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Alicent sits in galley overlooking the throne room, watching with curiosity as noble men and women enter the throne room watching in hushed anticipation for Prince Daemon's entrance. The doors to the great hall open and Daemon walks in fully armored in his black armor with a wooden crown placed securely on his head and a hammer in his hand. 

Daemon struts towards the Iron throne, stopping only when the tip of ser Harrold's sword touched the black chest piece, making the Rogue prince smirk. He glances up to King Viserys and tosses the hammer down before him "Add it to the chair."

Viserys gives the hammer a slight glare before glancing at his brother and raises an eye "You wear a crown. Do you also call yourself King?" Daemon smirks at his brother even wider but is interrupted before he can speak as the doors open once more.

Alicent's breath hitches in her throat as Aerys enters the Throne room on a heavily armored horseback, his armor darker in color, no longer the calming silver but now a ash grey, disfigured from war and his face slightly tan yet he is still as beautiful as the day she married him. His hair is tied back in intricate braids that cascade down his armored shoulders and a firm look rests on his face as his horse trots down the steps and towards the iron throne as Ser Rymun Mallister declares loudly "Presenting the Prince Aerys of house Targaryen, Prince of Dragon's Maw, Shield of Dragon's Bay, The rider of the Bronze fury, The Scourge of the Grey Gallows, the White Dragon."

Aerys halts his horse's movement and bows his head stiffly towards Viserys who glances towards his brother before smiling at Aerys "We should thank you for your valiant efforts in the war effort, Prince Aerys. Without you I fear my brother would have surely failed in his war effort."

A tense moment of silence follows Viserys' statement before Aerys bluntly states "Thank you your grace." Aerys then turns his horse and slowly makes his way outside of the throne room and Alicent cannot spend another moment before she rushes out from the galley and down the steps, and stops at the bottom of the steps as she spots Aerys passing the reigns off to a soldier and waits until the warrior departs before she rushes towards her husband and wraps her arms around his shoulders. 

She can feel him tense momentarily before relaxing in her arms and he lifts her face to meet his own before placing a gentle kiss to her lips, making her smile slightly. He runs his thumb over her cheek and smiles "My fire I have missed you more than I can ever express."

Alicent brings a hand up to rest on her husband's cheek and smiles gently, her breath shaking slightly "I have dreamt of this day for so long my Dragon. Come you must see the children. Your sister and mother are with them."

Alicent then leads Aerys to her chambers and enters seeing Alyssa lounging on the couch, a drink in her hands while Daenerys sits with Jaehaerys and Aerea on the floor. Alyssa smiles and rushes towards her brother and hugs him. Aerys pulls Alyssa back slightly and smiles "You've grown so much since I left sister."

Alyssa pulls away and grins, showing her teeth "Well that couldn't be avoided brother. I'm old enough to be married now apparently." Daenerys stands and glares at Alyssa "This is not the time to do this Alyssa."

Alyssa rolls her eyes at Daenerys' statement before going back to her seat and Alicent redirects Aerys' attention away from the crumbling mother and daughter duo to the two children on the floor, playing with blocks and carved wooden toys of dragon's and soldiers. Alicent pats Aerea on the shoulder and guides the girl towards Aerys "Aerea, this is your father."

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