In his youth Corlys had thought that the ocean was a cruel mistress, carrying a fleet of ships with grace one moment and the next dragging men down to the depths in the thousands but in the six years that passed had proven that the ocean was a much kinder ally than death itself who had claimed his daughter who resided alone in Pentos surrounded by the daughters she loved and the husband who loved another. Death had visited him again, claiming his youngest uncle's bastard sons. They fell to Aerys' blade, cut down during his path of justice for his murdered daughter. Death then claimed his son who had been forced into a loveless marriage to satiate Corlys' own ambitions and then Death saw fit to mock Corlys once more by taking his brother, the only man who cared for Velaryon heritage if not Corlys' wishes.
'History does not remember names. It remembers blood' Corlys recalls his words bitterly before standing from his seat and hobbles towards Rhaenyra's chambers 'but how much true Velaryon blood must be spilt before my ambition has been sated.'
Ser Steffon bows his head and opens the door proclaiming "Lord Corlys Velaryon my queen." Hobbling into the room Corlys' eyes flutter between Baela and Rhaenyra before he bitterly asks "What will you do to get justice for Rhaenys?" Rhaenyra steps away from Baela and wrings her hands together "I will make sure that Rhaenys is avenged but we must wait for Daemon to gather his host and march on Kings Landing."
Corlys shakes his head and exclaims "No not Daemon, you. What will you do seeing as it is your fault she died in the first place?" Rhaenyra gapes at that and her eyes widen "You cannot blame me for that. How was I to know that Vhagar would be there?" Corlys slams his cane down onto the marbled stone, the sound reverberating around the room before leaving it in a hushed silence as he hurls his accusation "Staunton sent for you and instead you sent Rhaenys. You could have sent your own son and Baela to reinforce her flank and instead you chose to send her alone! What monarch hides behind their walls and send men to do their own fighting."
"Grandfather please-" Baela begins only for Corlys to sneer at her "No! Our queen sends you alone to scout on Cole's host. If he had a scorpion or well aimed crossbow men then you might have died as well, all while her son and heir sits here comfortable like a pampered babe." He then turns his gaze back onto Rhaenyra and spits "If you think I will still name your boy Joffrey as my heir then I would advise you to think again. I would sooner let the waves claim High Tide than pass it onto a boy who knows little and less of the ocean and Velaryon history."
"You would add more fuel to the fire of those who question my sons birth?" Rhaenyra asks coldly and Corlys huffs out a laugh and shakes his head "I don't care for the whispers. I am acting because my house has already suffered enough. I will not see it destroyed any further by allowing a green boy to claim the title of master of the tides."
With that Corlys hobbles out from the room walking down the halls of Dragonstone stopping only as Baela calls out to him "Will you return to High Tide then?" Corlys lets out a scoff and turns to face his eldest granddaughter "You mean my tomb? All there is now at High Tide are the ghosts of my children and brother who welcome Rhaenys before they mock me."
"You have your treasures and the plunders you brought back from Yi Ti and Asshai do you not. Memories of better times no?" Baela asks with a soft smile and Corlys' lip quivers slightly before he exhales a shudder "Dragons guard their plunder with fire and blood. We of Velaryon should know better than to hoard such treasures."
"Then perhaps you can remain here then. The Queen still would want you to serve as her hand." Baela suggests gently and Corlys scoffs "She is a disease. Killing Laenor wasn't enough for her so she sends my wife to die for her while she sits here doing nothing. She has done more than enough to insult my house and yet she asks for more." Baela licks at her lips and shrugs "See it as you will but Rhaenyra offers the position to you because you are the most qualified and your judgement is sound."

The White Dragon
FanfictionAerys Targaryen, firstborn son born to Princess Daenerys and Prince Aegon in the year 94 AC was snuffed from the chance to be king by politics and never forgot. Now Aerys must navigate through politics, war, love and legacy.