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She did not have to wait long for a servant to come to her with the news of the King's passing and with a simple wave of her hand the servant was sent off to the black cells and under the silence of night Ellyn Reyne had summoned for the first time the red council.

Seated at the head of the table Ellyn watched as each and every member entered with differing faces of weariness and confusion and when at last Ser Harrold entered followed by Criston and Hugh she calmly places Viserys' stone in the placeholder and with a dead serious look upon her face she states "Viserys is dead."

"We should have the city watch ring the bells in the morning and send a raven to Dragonstone." Lord Lyman says sadly and Hugh blocks the man's path as Ellyn's father grimly shakes his head "No, now is a fortunate time for us Lord Beesbury, for now is the time that we decide whom we bow our head to on the morrow."

Lyman returns to his seat and glances around the table and scoffs "The matter of the succession is settled and cannot be changed. Viserys named his heir years ago." Jasper Wylde scoffs at this and runs a hand over his thick black beard "A dead man's wishes have no result on the laws of the living and the law dictate that the eldest son should inherit."

"If I may ask where is Ser Otto?" Orwyle asks noticing the empty seat with the symbol of the hand engraved into the seat and Ellyn licks her lips "Ser Otto was the last one seen with my husband last night and as such will face an investigation to ensure there was no foul play in the King's death, but for now we must ensure the realm is prepared not only for Aegon's ascension to the throne but any pushback we might receive from Rhaenyra and any allies she can muster."

"Yes, now my son Robin has seen to it that any city watch loyal to Daemon be stripped of their positions within the guard and have been replaced by loyalists of House Reyne." Ellyn's father informs before turning to Lord Jason's twin "Ser Tyland?" The master of coin puffs out his chest slightly and nods "The crown's coffers are full and have already been split for safeguarding in Casterly Rock and our friends in Braavos."

"Let Ravens be sent to our hopeful allies in Tyrell and Tully and inform Lord Thaddeus Rowan that he is to assemble his host at Goldengrove ready to march with haste. His daughter is now queen and as such House Rowan will play it's part in the wars to come." Ellyn says grinding her teeth at the idea of bowing her head to Aegon's wife who will carry the name Queen while she is to be named Queen Mother.

Ellyn turns her attention to Lord Jasper as he tilts his head "Lord Baratheon has four daughters most of whom are ready for marriage and holds no love for Rhaenyra. If we were to intercede and make a strong match for Lord Borros, then we can surely claim that the full might of the Stormlands be against Rhaenyra."

"Why are we discussing this so openly. I will not have this. To hear that you are plotting to replace the King's chosen heir and with an imposter!" Lord Lyman yells out with wide eyes Tyland scoffs "The King's firstborn son is hardly an imposter."

"The Lords of the realm all swore oaths to Princess Rhaenyra." Lyman argues and Tyland huffs out a chuckle and raises a brow "Lord Beesbury you do well to remember that Viserys forced the lords of the realm to name Rhaenyra his heir many years ago to which many of those lords are now dead, not to mention he named her as his heir before he had his sons with the queen."

"The king may have been ill for some time but by all accounts he was well last night sharing a meal with his family and now I am expected to believe that he died of his own accord?" Lyman says while his eyes flitter past every member in the room with suspicion and Jasper scoffs "Which one of us are you accusing of regicide Lord Beesbury?"

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