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Ellyn stands on the raised platform and watches with a scrutinizing gaze as her handmaid Talya brings new fabrics forward, each for the queen to judge. In the eleven years that had followed Rhaenyra's wedding to Ser Laenor Velaryon, the court changed drastically and none in Ellyn's favor. 

Rhaenyra hadn't died in childbirth like her mother had which angering Ellyn, but the scorn in her eyes had been tossed aside as Rhaenyra presented the black haired boy, Jacaerys 'Velaryon', who bore a striking resemblance to Harwin Strong. The hope that Viserys would disinherit Rhaenyra had been broken when the aging fool held the boy in his arms with more joy in his eyes than he ever held for his children he shared with Ellyn. This led to Rhaenyra abusing her father's willful blindness and carried on with her affair with Harwin, birthing another bastard boy Lucaerys, two years later, who Viserys loved just as much, going as far as to give the egg chosen for Ellyn's son Daeron to Lucaerys, angering Ellyn to the point that she swore to never spread her legs for Viserys again.

Yet in the other corner of the court, Aerys and Alicent had only grown in political strength, with the birth of three additional children, each carrying the genetics of high Valyrian individuals of the past the silver hair and purple eyes prominent. Ellyn's own son Aemond seemed to hold a certain devotion to one of Aerys' twin daughter's Visenya, a soft spoken girl, and unlike her namesake who preferred the path of the blade and blood, the young girl seemed more interested in the path of the scholar and sewing.

"The Princess Rhaenyra, my queen." Criston says in a cold tone of voice and Ellyn plasters a fake concerned look on her face as the pale and sweat stricken Rhaenyra shuffles into the room, Laenor helping her stand as a baby rests in Rhaenyra's arms "Rhaenyra, you should be resting after your labors."

"I have no doubt that you would prefer that your grace." Rhaenyra says before taking a shaky breath and it takes every ounce of effort for Ellyn to extend a source of comfort and motioned towards the couch "You must sit." Ellyn then turned to Talya and ordered "Talya, fetch a cushion for the princess."

"There's no need." Rhaenyra tries to say but Ellyn scoffs "Nonsense." Laenor helps Rhaenyra making the princess groan slightly, Ellyn soon following as Viserys enters. His hair began falling out and what little there was became wispier and an arm missing, yet the smile on his face never falters "What happy news this morning."

Laenor smiles and cheerily responds "Indeed, Your Grace." Viserys glances around slightly and Ellyn rolls her eyes, not surprised the man wasn't as blind as a bat, or he was, just in the wrong matters "Where is he? Where is my grandson?"

Rhaenyra happily passes the child to her father who gasps in joy and tickles the child's chin, and directs his comments to the other occupants in the room "There he is. Oh. A fine Prince. Sturdy."
He will make a most fearsome knight." Viserys then looks at the boy and softly whispers "Yes, you will."

Ellyn moves over to her husband's side and looks down at the child, pulling back the wrapping slightly to run her fingers over the brown tufts and hums 'another bastard. Soon she'll have enough to rival Lord Jasper Wylde, the Ironrod' However Ellyn still looks at the 'parents of the child and asks '"Does the babe have a name yet?"

"We haven't spoken..." Rhaenyra begins yet Laenor quickly interrupts "Joffrey. He'll be called Joffrey." Ellyn could almost laugh at the confused look on Rhaenyra's face yet she still slyly remarks "That's an unusual name for a Velaryon." Viserys, the forever stupid brings the conversation back and gently rocks the child "I do believe he has his father's nose." 

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