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'It seems that most of these meeting are now spent concerning Daemon's actions.' Daenerys thinks while swirling her glass of Arbor gold watching as the small council talks on Daemon's latest action and breaks the commotion by simply asking "Who is the Lady Mysaria?"

Lord Beesbury goes to answer "We believe..." Otto interrupts the aging Lord of Honeyholt in a bored tone "Daemons whore. This action is nothing more than sedition." "I strongly agree Lord Hand." Lord Reyne adds on from the other end of the table.

Daenerys opens her mouth to retort, but promptly shuts it, her thoughts rambling 'This whore, Mysaria, might be the one who exposed Daemon to Aerys. I cannot say a word, for Aerys' claim of the 'heir for a day' would be called into question and labeled hearsay.'

"My brother wishes to provoke me. If I were to answer him, that would simply give him what he wants." Viserys says sounding tired of his brother's antics and rightfully so, marrying a whore and stealing a dragon egg would be considered treasonous actions by both the Faith and house Targaryen itself.

Daenerys watches as Corlys takes his seat, placing his marbled stone in the placeholder and states "The realm is watching your grace."

"What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall? Perhaps I could put his head on a spike." Viserys said getting angrier. "If that's what needs to be done, nephew, then yes. Daemon must be held accountable, and what better way that to freeze his pride and ego off at the wall." Daenerys says making Viserys rub his brow in frustration. 'It is as if I am watching mine own father deal with Saera or Viserra again.' Daenerys notes to herself as she watches Viserys' jaw tense and she can almost see a vein bulging at the side of his head.

Otto continues the argument "Daemon has seized Dragonstone, your Grace, has surrounded himself with an army 2000 strong, and has now stolen a potential weapon." Daenerys takes a gulp of her wine, disliking how lowly the sycophants' speak of the beauty of Dragons.

"Skorior drōmon Daemon lāettas?" (Which egg did Daemon take?) Rhaenyra asks standing a small distance from the table and the Dragonkeeper turns to her and bows his head answering softly "Se drōmon istan Dreamfyre's, Principissa. Keskydoso bona ao iderēptan syt Princeps Baelon's cunabula." (The egg was Dreamfyre's, princess. The same that you chose for Prince Baelon's cradle.) 

"Se Ilībōños ēza iā jaelagon naejot morghūljagon ziry vestragon." (The bastard has a death wish it seems.) Daenerys says in Valyrian, noticing the look of rage in Viserys eyes, his cheeks growing a rosy color as he turns to his hand "Assemble a detachment Otto. I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice myself."

"My apologies your grace, but that is out of the question. It is far to dangerous. Daemon is without limit. Allow The Hand and I to go to Dragonstone. Lord Otto can speak with Daemon and I can hopefully appeal to the men who abandoned their posts within the city watch and allow them one final chance to return." Lord Rogar says speaking for Otto.

Otto glances towards Lord Reyne with squinted eyes filled with distrust while Lord Rogar puffs out his chest as Viserys agrees to send the council members. Viserys then storms out from the room, the council members following after and Daenerys glances towards the tense Rhaenyra, whose fists tighten in anger and rage.

"You must speak with Daemon. He despises Otto and will not allow Lord Rogar to get a single word in. You are the only one who can end this with little blood spilt." Daenerys says with a small smile and Rhaenyra nods her head slowly before running out of the chambers.

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