"What business do we have to discuss before the wedding this afternoon?" Otto asks and Maester Mellos clears his throat "We are still in need of a new master of ships."
"Since we disgraced the last one with this royal marriage." Daenerys says bitterly and Otto turns to her "You should learn to hold your tongue."
Daenerys gulps part of her wine down and shakes her head "I will do no such thing. This wedding is a sham and a farce for the Reyne's to grasp at power."
Daenerys says nothing more as Lord Lyman asks "How might we be able to placate Lord Corlys then?"
"It is not Lord Corlys who we need to placate. The man would say that the grass has shamed him if it grew upon his path. It is the Princess Rhaenys who we can offer some compensation." Daenerys says and Otto nods "Very well and what do you recommend Princess?"
"My daughter, Alyssa shall be sent to ward under Princess Rhaenys, like my son was for Lord Rickon Stark in the years prior." Daenerys says with a proud smile but her smile falls as Mellos opens his mouth and begins to do more than just breath "Forgive me, but the presence of a bastard might anger Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys." Grand Maester Mellos says before glancing around the table and asks "Would it not?"
"My daughter was born between Prince Aegon and Princess Gael. I am not ashamed to say that I did not care for it either, but I claimed Alyssa like she is my own. She rides a dragon like her namesake and her forebears. I will not allow a grey sunken cunt of a maester to spew filth on my sister's memory nor the child that came from that union."
"While Grand Maester Mellos words are harsh, would it not make more sense to send the Princess Rhaenyra to ward at Driftmark instead?" Lord Lyman Beesbury asks and Otto scoffs "That would be even more of an insult. The girl who shall inherit the Iron throne to foster with the woman who was denied that right?"
"It was only a suggestion." Lyman says, his voice small and his eyes downcast, like a kicked puppy.
"I shall discuss it with Rhaenys while she is here. It would sound better coming from the council." Daenerys says and Otto looks at her "Then should it not come from me?"
"See now that would also be viewed as an insult, Lord Hand." Daenerys says with a smile, before standing and walks out from the room, strolling with quick steps and turns a corner, almost bumping into a small girl with silver curled hair who looks up at Daenerys with nothing but fascination.
"Laena I swear, your head is always in the clouds." Daenerys glances up to see Rhaenys scurry over to her daughter and responds "Reminds me of her own mother who always asked me to take her flying."
"On Balerion, yes. You were his last rider." Laena asks with a smile and Daenerys smiles, recalling her times flying on her dragon, feeling the power that Daenys the dreamer or Aegon the Conqueror had.
"Yes, I was Balerion's last rider, and he was magnificent, but I'm sure that you have better things to do than to hear an old woman's tales." Daenerys asks with a knowing smile and Laena practically jumps for joy "Oh please I would love to know your tales."
"Laena..." Rhaenys warns and her daughter turns to her with a scoff and a sigh "I have heard all of Father's stories, but now I want to hear stories of the Targaryens."
"Perhaps we can discuss it and so much more on the way to the sept for the wedding." Daenerys says taking Laena's hand and walks away, knowing that Rhaenys is quickly trailing after the chattering pair.

The White Dragon
FanfictionAerys Targaryen, firstborn son born to Princess Daenerys and Prince Aegon in the year 94 AC was snuffed from the chance to be king by politics and never forgot. Now Aerys must navigate through politics, war, love and legacy.