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The room is hushed with anticipation with Viserys sitting at one end of the table while Aerys sits on the other. Not a word had been spoken, no warm greeting, no exchange of firm handshakes, not even a nod of welcome. This was simply an auction placed by the crown to buy Aerys' forgiveness and to ensure that the heir to Driftmark doesn't lose his life or the very least his hand and become a cripple like Daemon had.

The knights of the Kingsguard all stand behind and to the direct left and right side of Viserys, their hands placed firmly on the pommel of their blades prepared to strike if the . Orwyle takes a seat between the two with a roll of parchment and quill ready to take note of the demands and offerings.

"Shall we begin?" Orwyle asks and Viserys nods and looks Aerys in the eye "Yes. On behalf of the crown we are willing to pay your daughter's weight in gold and provide the necessary coin for her funeral. You may even keep Darksister. A show of our good will." 

"A kind gesture you would agree?" Orwyle asks looking at Aerys who scoffs "I shall keep Darksister since I won her in combat. I did not earn her by your grace. Dragon's Maw shall pay for the funeral and you can use your gold as a dowry." Viserys raises an eye and stutters "I... I don't understand." Aerys sighs and glances towards the window. Alicent had not wanted anything other than justice and while Aerys wanted the same, he had to put his feelings aside on the matter and tend to the future "I'm proposing a marriage between my eldest son Jaehaerys and your daughter Helaena."

A hushed silence falls over the room and Viserys shakes his head "Why would you refuse the crown's gold yet want a marriage?" Aerys sighs deeply and turns back to Viserys "There is little that can be done with what has happened. What better way can we celebrate death than with life through marriage?"

"A..A sound proposal yes." Orwyle asks looking at Viserys who nods "Very well. Jaehaerys and Helaena shall be wed in three years time to allow her the time to have her first bleeding." Viserys goes to stand and Aerys grinds his teeth and swallows any harsh words down to ask "I will also make a request that my children be allowed to claim dragons of their own or a dragon egg of their choice."

"That is a steep request cousin even for a child's death" Viserys asks and Aerys grinds his teeth while clenching his jaw "Have you bartered over Rhaenyra's life??" Viserys shakes his head and Aerys squints his eyes "Then don't tell me what is steep and what is not. No father should have to buy his silence over a delicate matter such as this."

Viserys sighs and turns his head down in nervousness before licking his lips "Very well I shall arrange that before the year is done your children will be given the chance to claim any of the wild unclaimed dragons on Dragonstone or be given an egg, however no dragonkeeper shall involve themselves in this matter. You want your children to become dragon riders then they shall do it themselves."

'Another action to dissuade me from the path of righteousness.' Aerys thinks with a glare but nods his head "Very well. After my family has buried their dead my children will leave for Dragonstone with Vaegon or my mother to ensure there is no animosity between Rhaenyra and I that will affect the children any further than it already has."

"And I shall ensure that Daemon remains in Pentos or Kings Landing as well. The children on all sides have suffered because of the tension between our houses but perhaps the marriage and dragons shall be a noble start to a new friendship."

'Forgive mayhaps but I shall never forget.' Aerys thinks while he allows a small forced smile to show on his face to placate his cousin before standing "Very well then I shall agree to this agreement." Viserys stands and opens his one arm for a hug and Aerys sighs deeply before hesitantly hugging his cousin who squeezes tightly.

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