"Are we sure that he is breathing?" Ser Roy Bulwer says tiredly and Elliana glances towards the bed that Aerys had been laid upon, maesters constantly waiting by his side, should his health deteriorate.
The assassination attempt had been a massive blow to the Targaryen and Martell forces, since without the Dragon Rider, they were now heavily outnumbered. Yet Elliana did not know what to do. Already there were factions forming. Those loyal to Prince Aerys wanted to remain on the Grey Gallows along their prince, while the Dornish troops wanted to return home and some soldiers of Westerosi houses wanted to march onto Bloodstone to declare for Daemon.
"What has been done with finding these assassins?" Ser Jon Grafton says and Elliana scoffs "Is there really any question as to whom did this? Who gained the most from Prince Aerys' death? The bastard dragon and his bitch sister."
Elliana recalls how many knights demanded that Aerys continue the march onto the Wailing Fort after Ser Stafford Lannister's body returned back to the encampment with no head while his companion's body parts were sent piece by piece after failed negotiations.
"We should have marched on them when we had the chance, now we are outnumbered, our position is weaker and we are trapped between the Crabfeeder and this fucking pretender." Ser Wilber Manderly says angrily and Ser Eustace Bar Emmon asks "Our decision would be easier if Prince Aerys died. Would it not be kinder to ease his passing. Not only for his sake but for the sake of the men. They're frightened and don't know what to do."
Ser Rymun steps towards the elderly knight, his hand placed securely on his blade, his voice cold and firm "If you want to keep ahold of your tongue, I suggest that you shut your mouth." Ser Eustace glares at the Mallister knight before storming out from the tent.
One by one the other knights all depart and Aenys walks into the tent "The silent sisters have finished their work on Gwayne. They wish to know..hh.. what is to be done with his body." Elliana's breath hitches as she looks at Aenys, who's eyes are bloodshot and have dark rings under them. Between his friend's death and his Prince's assassination, Aenys hadn't slept since the night prior.
"We should a ship ready to depart for Oldtown. His body should be laid to rest alongside his family. Get a Septon to bless the voyage before it departs." Elliana says stiffly after a pregnant silence and Ser Rymun asks "And what of Lord Otto and the Lady Alicent. They have just lost their son and brother respectively."
"Then ravens must be sent." Elliana says sadly pinching the bridge of her nose, feeling bile rise in her throat and Aenys asks softly "Saying what Princess?"
"Tell them that Ser Gwayne Hightower died defending his prince from many wounds. Tell them that it took four separate men to cut him down after he had taken seven of them with him, and that he has more than earned the title of Ser."
Aenys bows his head, his eyes lingering on Aerys before leaving and Ser Rymun bows his head "I will stand guard. Make sure that Ser Eustace does not try anything." Elliana nods, and the Mallister knight walks away leaving Elliana alone with Aerys. She takes a seat, listening to Aerys' ragged breaths and glances upwards 'I have never been a woman of prayer, but I ask that you watch over Aerys and ensure that he recovers fully.'

The White Dragon
FanfictionAerys Targaryen, firstborn son born to Princess Daenerys and Prince Aegon in the year 94 AC was snuffed from the chance to be king by politics and never forgot. Now Aerys must navigate through politics, war, love and legacy.