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Ellyn walks with quick steps to her father's chambers, entering to see an escort of the Reyne household pack the Lord's bags quickly and neatly. Ellyn feels anger watching her father simply allow it to happen 'It was meant to be Rhaenyra punished, not father.'

"Would you all be so kind as to leave so that I may speak to my father alone." Ellyn asks and the servants quickly drop whatever task they started and bow their heads down in respect, before departing and Ellyn waits for the door to shut behind her before she wrings her hands together "This wasn't the plan. For you to be released from your duties, because Viserys didn't like the accusations being tossed at Rhaenyra."

Her father looks at her with cold eyes and grinds his teeth "I wasn't released of my position because of Rhaenyra. I am released of my duties because of you. Viserys did not like that you told Aerys and Alicent of Rhaenyra's movements and thought I had commanded you to, so for your stupidity I am no longer Lord Commander of the City watch."

Ellyn's eye twitches in frustration at this. Why was she getting punished for revealing Rhaenyra's crimes to those who deserved to know. Ellyn shakes her head pitifully and sniffles, allowing a tear to escape her eye "He despises me. He...he despises Aegon for being a boy, and now with all this speculation on Rhaenyra's innocence and virtue, he despises my son so much more, because deep in his heart and mind, he knows that naming Aegon as heir is the simplest path to take as a King, but as a father he would not discard the troublesome child."

"Then I suggest you abandon the path of making Viserys like Aegon. He will now suspect any interaction with Aegon on your part as a way to sever the relationship he has with Rhaenyra. Instead you must ensure that Rhaenyra's transgressions come to light. So much so that Viserys cannot deny it. Show him that Rhaenyra is a detriment to House Targaryen so that he can find hope in Aegon."

Ellyn's lip quivers at this. She despises Viserys and wants her children to do the same, but what kind of mother would she be to deprive her son the opportunity to bond with his father. 'The mother who will see her son sit the throne' a voice in her mind states and despite her motherly instincts to refuse her father's advice, she nods her head.

"Of course father. I....I will try my best." Ellyn says stiffly before walking towards her father and leans up to place a quick kiss onto his cheek "Ride safely for Castamere. Please write to me once you have arrived."

Her father nods sadly "Of course, and do not let yourself whither in court. Remember you still have Robin at your side, as well as your children." Ellyn simply nods before departing from the room, her mind racing loudly, not even hearing the soft "your grace" from servants passing by.


The rain pelts down from the dark grey clouds above as Alicent makes her way into the courtyard, watching her father saddle his horse and calls out "A moment." She watches as her father freezes momentarily before looking at her with a blank look on his face and Alicent picks at the skin on her thumb "I do not wish to see you go."

"Such is the King's decision." Her father says tightening the saddle to his horse and Alicent sighs "A decision I most bitterly regret." Her father halts in his actions and bitterly remarks "And yet, you made it possible. You and your husband both. Not that it has stopped him. I hear Viserys has named Aerys as his hand, and in the week since he began his duties, Aerys has thrown Mellos in the black cells for his supposed crimes and replaced him with the Grand Maester's apprentice Orwyle and he's named both Ser Harwin Strong and Ser Robyn Reyne as joint commanders of the city watch replacing Lord Rogar."

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