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The one thing Alicent could say that hadn't changed in the twenty years of her marriage was how tender yet rough Aerys was in their bedchambers. Not that Alicent minded seeing as Aerys rarely showed affection in public but as he finished inside her and made his way off their bed and over to a window throwing open the shutters to allow the cool crisp air into the chambers while the moonlight reflects against his long silver hair and the sounds of the small folk laughing in the city below allowing the mood to become more neutral rather than the sensual one that it was a few minutes ago.

Alicent raises the covers over her naked body and rubs over her belly recalling how the maester at Driftmark broke the news that after Baelor's early birth and death it was unlikely that she would carry another babe. "I hope this one catches." Alicent says glancing at her husband who turns his gaze to her and walks back to the bed and brings his hand to stroke her cheek "And why is that my fire?"

Alicent shrugs her shoulders and she sighs "I don't know. When Helaena allows me to hold Aemon or Naerys I am reminded of my own fleeting youth and with our children all mostly grown with Jaehaerys having children of his own and Aerea's having two children of her own with her husband I just feel slightly empty. After all Queen Alysanne brought 13 children into the world."

"Yet by the time of her death only five were still alive which is only one less than we have now." Aerys says gently and Alicent sighs laying back in the bed and a knock sounds at the door "Enter." Her husband orders and Arianne enters quickly bowing her head "Uncle, a raven came through from the capital. Maester Beocca asked that I give it to you with haste."

"Thank you Arianne." Aerys says and takes the scroll, quietly opening it and reads it quietly before handing it to Alicent who reads the contents to herself while he makes his way over to the open window once more.

'To his Lordship Prince Aerys

A petition has been sent to the capital from Driftmark following the news of the injuries Lord Corlys has faced in the Stepstones. From what my mother has told me the petition will be to denounce Lucaerys as heir to Driftmark and proclaim Ser Vaemond's line to inherit. However she has asked that you represent as judge over the trial so that Princess Rhaenyra cannot question the ruling as she most likely will should the Hand Otto Hightower preside over the trial. I hope that you accept this duty.

Prince Aemond Targaryen'

"Please inform Jaehaerys and Helaena that they are to come as well." Aerys says firmly and Arianne nods but stops as Alicent asks "You cannot seriously go to the capital to sit over this trial? It's a farce, a scam to insure that Lucaerys does not inherit Driftmark."

"I cannot refuse a royal command Alicent." Aerys says not looking at her and she scoffs "This isn't a royal command. This is Aemond's way of insuring that the trial still works in the favor of his mother and by extension himself."

Aerys turns to Arianne "Please go tell them that they will be coming with me as soon as dawn breaks." Arianne glances between Alicent and Aerys yet still nods and walks out from the room, closing the door behind her and Alicent scoffs making her way out from the bed, throwing a green shawl over her body and stands beside her husband "You know that Rhaenyra will retaliate no matter the outcome of the trial. Should Lucaerys maintain his position she will ask for the accuser's head and should the boy lose the title of heir then she will seek retribution against you and us for this slight."

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