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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DRAGON'S MAW : AERYS TARGARYEN

Both Vermithor and Aerys had been restless in the months that followed after the union between King Viserys and Queen Ellyn and had been roaring consistently for almost the year that followed but he had been quiet of late, due to the potential rogue dragon that had been seen flying about Dragon's Maw.

"What news of the rogue dragon. Have we found where it's nesting." Aerys asks and a dragonkeeper steps forward, bows his head and hoarsely replies "Ziry iksos Silverwing, issa Princeps. Ziry ēdan geptot zaldrīzesdōron se vestragon naejot emagon electi naejot reside isse se caves gōvilagon zaldrīzoti maw rūsīr zȳhon mate Vermithor." "It is Silverwing, my prince. She had left Dragonstone and seems to have chosen to reside in the caves beneath Dragons Maw with her mate Vermithor."

"Should we not have her moved back to Dragonstone then? A dragon without a rider could pose a threat for the common folk." Ser Rhaegar Hawthorne asks and Aerys smirks looking at him "If you think that a dragon is dangerous, Ser Rhaegar, why would you ask to move my dragon's mate. Silverwing will remain at Dragon's Maw. My son might be able to claim Silverwing one day to ride."

"All the same, I fear for when you depart with Vermithor for the Stepstones, my prince. And with your sister and Brightfyre leaving for Driftmark, Silverwing might not be able to contain her appetite nor her nature."

"Silverwing is one of the calmer dragons, Ser Rhaegar. She inherited that triat from her first rider, my grandmother, the good queen Alysanne. As long as you do not disturb her, she shall remain peaceful in the caves." Aerys says calmly before turning to his Maester "Vaegon, anything to report on your end?"

"There was a raven sent this morning that I feel obligated to share with you." The aging maester slowly extends his shaking hand with the rolled letter, his bones showing in the sunlight and Aerys takes it taking a moment to hold his surprise at the wax stamp depicting a sun pierced by a spear.

"Why would the Dornish want to speak with me?" Aerys asks and Lord Balin answers "My Prince. Perhaps there have been some who spoke when you sent men to the cities of Westeros to ask for any men who wish to fight in the Stepstones." Aerys glances down and focuses on the letter in his hand and reads it silently to himself :

'To The Notorious Prince Aerys

I Princess Elliana of House Martell wish to meet with you to hold talks in regard to the War in the Stepstones and a potential alliance. I am aware not only of the bloodied history between Houses Martell and Targaryen, but also that of the ancient feud between the peoples of Rhoynar and Valyrian. I would be honored to host you in Sunspear while we converse and hopefully come to an agreement.'

"It seems as if the Dornish are also concerned with the war in the Stepstones and wish to talk with me for a potential alliance." Aerys says simply and Maester Vaegon scoffs "My Prince. The Dornish are a horrid people. Shrewd, lustful and arrogant beasts."

"I could say the same for Lord Jason Lannister. What is your point?" Aerys responds and Vaegon responds "The Dornish have been independent and have caused Westeros issues in the past. Your own grandfather and your uncles fought against the Dornish bastards. They struck down Queen Rhaenys and her dragon during the conquest."

"They have fought for their freedom, Maester Vaegon. And besides they are a Kingdom who can make decisions regarding warfare without leave from the King." Aerys says simply and Ser Gabriel Rosier shakes his head "My Prince. Going to war might invoke the King's wrath, but marching alongside an army of Dornish men would surely cause chaos in the realm and the King's scorn."

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