The Derby.

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I woke up at 7am since the Derby was starting at 9. I chose a baggy outfit since I felt more comfortable if people don't know how my body really looks. Im very insecure about my body. I hate it.

I made my way downstairs to my family "Goodmorning Familia" I say as I sit at the island as Arya makes breakfast."Morning Sky" Arya says with a chuckle. "Morning SkySky" has says as she hugs me. "Morning" Kai grumbles. I then look at him and realise we never actually got to speak about how the fight started. "So what happens yesterday ?" I ask. He looks at me confused. "Why were you fighting Kai"? He looked at me confused for a moment, then a look of realisation flashed in his eyes. Geez how do you forget that you were in a physical fight with someone?.

"Ooooh" he finally realised. "No I was on my way to class, when these two bumped into me. I apologised since it was my fault, I was busy on my phone. They then said 'you better be sorry' and THAT was enough for me to  look at the in a confused look. I then told them to fuck off, since I was not about to take the disrespect. One of them then swung on me and I dodged it and started to beat the Shit out of him. I lost my balance and they jumped me, and then you came and, yeah, you know the rest" he explained.I looked at him and noded in response. It's good to know that he didn't start it.

I then explained to Arya where I was planning on going to today. She said it's fine and gave me money.  "Um.... Arya? Can I please go with the car"? I asked hopefully. She thought for a second, "of course" she Said with a polite smile on her face. I immediately hugged her and kissed her on the cheeck.

I met Jade and a few of my friends there, they were watching the football game. I sat down next to them and continued to speak about random things. It was time for the First team to play. I didn't really care about the sports, but I cared about the people playing the sport. I was looking for someone new to add to my non-existent roster.

Our school won. The football team ran into the stands and started celebrating. "Come on let's go and celebrate with them, it is our school at the end of the day, we need to show our support."  Jade says looking at me with hopeful eyes. "okay" I say while smiling, knowing that it made her happy. We get there and we are surrounded by the whole football team, the sweaty, dirty and smelly rugby team. They weren't really focussed on me though, their focus was all on Jade. She was Beutiful, her green eyes, her freckles, her long way hair, everything about her was majestic. And every boy in school wanted her. She knows her worth though.

The team then went to shower and get ready for the celebration party. Jade, Tyler, Ashley and I all went to Jade's
House to freshen up before going to the party.

"Sky did you hear about the rumours"? Ashley  asked. I knew people would talk about me and my family, I mean my father is the mayor, so they always try to find dirt on him, and if that is unsuccessful, they make rumours. "Nope" I answer not wanting to continue the conversation. "They say your father abused your mother, and is currently abusing Arya and is currently cheating on her". She states. My heart stops at the mention of the abuse of my mother. My father doesn't know that I know. My mother told me all the stories and I've heard it from a couple of other family members As well. He thinks I still believe that he is the one who left my mother because she apparently cheated on him with her now husband.

I looked at Ashley blankly before I spoke, "That's bullshit, you know that they're just trying to put my father in bad light". I hated my father for that, but I never could express it since I live in his house and all that. But even though I hated him, I still loved him, solely because he's my father.

The room went silent, the reason why jade and Tyler were quiet, was because they know the truth, I told them one day when they found me having a mental breakdown in my room once. They know why I protect my father so much, they know why I love Arya so much, they know almost everything about me. Key word almost. Let's just say they won't be able to handle the rest, I think.

My phone rang, breaking the silence, it was Shane. He asked if we were still coming and I confirmed. It reminded me that we need to leave.

We pulled up to the house and as soon as we got there, we realised why we never go to these parties. There were people passed out on the grass and alcohol all over the place. We entered the house and everyone was dancing, drinking and smoking weed. My friends and I split up since I don't really drink, and I was not planning on drinking today, I don't know why.

I went into the kitchen and saw a bunch of coke bottles. I took one of them and poured me a glass. I didn't want ANYONE to ask why I was sober, so I just told them that there was alcohol in the cup. I then made my way to the living room where everyone was dancing. I saw Jade on the dance floor being surrounded by a bunch of guys. I could see that she was uncomfortable so, I pushed past the group of people surrounding her
And made my way towards her.

Her eyes immediately lit up when she saw me, she knew I was there to save her. I slowly put my hand around her waist and started dancing to the music with her in my arms. Her body tensed as she noticed everyone starring. "Don't worry about them, they're jealous that they can't get this close to you". I whispered it her ear. I could see that she was still a bit uncomfortable. "Focus on me okay?" I say, as our eyes lock onto one another.

We stare at each other for a good 10 minutes until Tyler comes up and hugs us. He's drunk, ask me how I know? Tyler hates physical touch, but when he's drunk? It's a whole different story. "I missed you guys" he says slurring. "I never knew you had separation anxiety" I say, teasing him. "I don't" he says, with a a shocked look on his face. "Sure you don't" I say, sarcastically.

We've been at the party for two hours, and that's an achievement for me, because my social battery runs out fast. I Haven't seen Tyler or Jade in a while now, but I know Jade is probably helping Tyler vomit. I walk back to the sitting room and see Drei sitting alone, busy on his phone. I walk up to him, I look down on him in confusion. "What you up to?" I ask. He looks up it me with an expressionless face "What does it look like?" He asks rudely. I look at him in disbelief, wondering what had just happened. "Umm... look, I don't know who peed in your coffee this morning, but it wasn't me, so you can lower the attitude" I say in an passive aggressive tone. 'What a bitch' I think to myself as I turn to leave.

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