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Finals ends today. It's my last day in this hellhole. After this it's just me and my future. I couldn't be grateful enough that school was ending. This place has put me through hell, and I know some will say that I might miss school once I'm an adult, but I highly doubt it. School has always been my most toxic environment and I know for a fact that I'm not going to miss it.

I make my way to the cafeteria after writing my final exam. Jade, Tyler, Ashley and Isaac, said that we should do something fun on the last day of school in order to remember this day. I walked up to them and we started to plan. "How about a Sleepover at school?" Isaac suggested. "That sounds fun." Tyler says enthusiastically. Jade, Asley and I all agree and we send out the message. "This is going to be so fun!" Tyler screams.

I went home and told my mother about everything that we had planned. My mom, of course didn't have a problem with it. "Be safe!" She screams as I walk out of the door. My mom bought me a car, since she was tired of me always taking hers. The car she bought was a BMW M3 F80. I could not thank her enough. It felt good to have my own car, a very fast car at that. I had one stop to make before going back to school. I make my way to the front door and I'm greeted by Annie.

"Sky! It's nice to see you again, you've been scarce." She says smiling. "Yeah, sorry about that, studying for finals so school had me in a chokehold." I say, scratching the back of my neck. "Is Drei here?" I ask. "Yes he is, he's in his room." She says, allowing me to come in.

I knock on the door and hear a voice on the other side. " Who is it?" He asks. "Take a guess." I say mockingly. "Come on in Steele." He says, I can hear him chuckling on the other side. I walk in and sit in his bed. "So. Why aren't you answering my messages?" I ask curiously. "I broke my phone, but I'm getting a new one today." He states. "Why is there anything important that's you want to tell me?" He asks grinning. "Nope, Just that there's a Sleepover at school today, and you're invited." I say calmly. "I'm not going." He says. "Well, I'm not taking no for an answer." I say challenging him. "Well you are today." He says. "Do you want me to beg you?" I ask. "Seeing you beg would brighten up my mood, but no." He says assertively. "Come on, please. All of us are going to be there. I'll do anything you want, please " I plead. "Why is it so important to you, that I'm there?" He asks curiously. Umm I don't know maybe the fact that I want you? "You know what leave it. Stay at home if you want to, but then you can't sulk about missing out on the fun." I say, trying to convince him. With that I leave.

I get to school and meet with Jade and Tyler. We all start setting up the Gymnasium for the sleepover. Our Science teacher offered to Chaperone for us, we didn't mind him since he's a cool teacher and he lets us do whatever we want. In an hour, the whole gym was ready for the sleepover. More and more people started pitching up, in their pj's of course.

It was now 8pm and almost the whole school had arrived. I went outside to go and answer a call from my mom and I noticed a very specific BMW 3series parked infront of the door to the school. It's Drei's He's here? That means that my reverse psychology worked. I smiled and went back inside. I walked onto the stage and announced that we would be playing a game. "Attention all students, we will be playing a game of hide and seek, there will be 20 seekers and 80 hiders. Once you have been caught, please make you way back to the gym and wait till everyone has been found. The seekers will be given water paint, And will throw everyone they Catch in order to indicate who has been caught and who hasn't. I need 20 volunteers to be the seekers and one to be the 'police officer' who watches the one who have been caught." I speak. 21 people walked up and offered to be the seekers and the police officer. "Let the game begin. You are given one minute to go hide. The game starts NOW!" And with that everyone ran out of the gym looking for a place to hide.

I, of course went to the roof. I didn't think that anyone else would hide there, since it's a very secretive place that no-one really knows how to access. But boy was I wrong. I quickly bust through the door and close it before anyone sees me. I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch a breath. "Gotcha!" Someone comes up behind me, as I scream. I turn around to see Drei laughing his butt off. "You're not funny!" I say angrily. "No, but the face you made was." He says laughing. I roll my eyes and start giggling with him. "In fact, what are you doing here? I thought you said that you're not coming?" I questioned. "I was always planning on coming, it was just nice to see you plead." He says in a cocky tone. I roll my eyes once again as I make my way to the balcony. Drei follows me and sits besides me.

I'm busy stargazing as I'm pulled out of my thoughts. "Steele, I think I heard something." Drei says concerned. No you didn't it was probably just a Mouse or something." I say assuringly. "There's Mice?!" He whisper shouts. "Yes, what's wrong? You scared? Don't worry I'll protect you?" I say teasingly. "You're not funny." He pouts. "No, but the face you made was." I say mockingly. We both burst into laughter. We eventually stop laughing and stare into each other's eyes. I keep the eye contact, refusing to be the one that breaks it. Just as I thought that Drei will break the eye contact, he moves closer. I'm currently frozen In place, not knowing what's happening, until I feel his lips on mine. My eyes wide from the shock. My eyes gradually closes, feeling the kiss even more. He's not pulling back. So neither am I, I've waited to long for this moment.

Just then, Tyler barges through the door and sees us. Both me and Drei stop and look towards the door. Tyler just stands there looking dumbfounded. I look at Drei, but he refuses to look at me. Did I do something wrong? He then gets up and walks past Tyler. I look at Tyler, who has a grin plastered on his face. "Did I jus-" he tries to question, but I stop him. "Yes, you did, but you can't tell anyone about this please." Tyler just nods in agreement.

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