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I woke up at 6am to get ready for school. 'At least it's Friday' I think to myself before getting ready. Friday is easily the best day of the week, reason being, it the last day of school for the week and something entertaining always happens.

I Got done and went to the kitchen for breakfast, I say Arya in the kitchen finishing up with the preparations. I walked up to her, I  hugged her and greeted her.i Love the bond I have with her. She's like my second mother, although everyone knows no-one can replace my mother, and Arya has made it very clear that that's not what she's trying to do. She and my mom had a good relationshi. My father and my mother though, that was another story.

My father despised my mother because she find the courage to divorce him after he has abused her. He bad mouths her A LOT. My mother on the other hand, doesn't give a fuck about him. And that's what agitates him even more.

Arya and I have a some small talk before my siblings walk in as well. They both greet and continue to eat their breakfast.

I look at the time and see that it's now 7:45. I get up and fetch my bag and proceed to leave for school. Kai left earlier since he wanted to smoke a blunt before schools starts, so it was just me and Jas.

I get to school and already there is a fight, I told you Friday's are entertaining. As I get closer to the fight, I see kai being jumped by two people. Now me and kai had an average sibling bond, but there was one thing I knew for sure, I always had his back, NO MATTER WHAT.

I quickly throw my bag on the floor and head over to the fight, I grab the first one off of him and proceed to beat the Shit out of him. I finally get pulled off of the guy, but I see it's the other one who was involved, I look at him with a disgusted look as he punches me in the jaw. I stumbled back a bit, as soon as I saw my blood, I couldn't keep it together anymore. I hate the sight of blood, wait let me clear that up, I hate the sight if MY blood. I can't really remember what happened, but all I DO remember is Kai taking me off of the guy.

I looked at him in his eyes as rage filled mine. He finally speaks "Thank you". He says with a sincere look plastered on his face.

"We'll speak about this later." I say walking past him. I'm impulsive, it's always, act first, ask questions later, ESPECIALLY when it comes to protecting my siblings. I was the middle child(17), Kai(19) the second oldest, Jason(22) the oldest, and Jasmine(13) the youngest, from my dad's side. I have three from my mom's side, Kai who is  my mothers oldest, Cayden(15)and Ariennè(15), who are the lastborns, yes they are twins.

I've Decided that, that was way too eventful to start my day, so I Flunked school for the day. I went to my Friend Jade's house, since she lives right next to the school. I spent the whole day with her smoking. I don't smoke weed because, all my uncle's started smoking it and now they're drug addicts. So it's a big no from me. I eat space muffins tho. OCCASIONALLY. And today was one of those 'occasions', I was stressed about Finals that were coming up.

As the day went by, we were discussing our plans for the weekend. That's when we decided that we'll be going to the Derby tomorrow, since there will be a LOT of people, beautiful people to be exact.

The day flew by and before I knew it I was at home. My father was home when I got there, I knew because I saw the car in the yard. Wow he finally decided to actually use one of his lunch breaks. I was excited to see him since I barely see him throughout the day since he leaves before I wake up and only comes back when I'm asleep. The only other time i see him is on sundays. So seeing him was nice.

I walked up to him and gave him a hug. He greeted me and we had a small conversation before I went to my room to change. When I came back down I started telling him about my week. It was nice to see his face again.

Kai walked in a few moments later, he and dad were VERY close, and he was clearly the favourite son. He's eyes were beaming with excitement. He had so much to tell him apparently. They then has their own conversation as I walked into the kitchen where Arya was. I then proceeded to tell her everything about my day. Not necessarily  EVERYTHING about my day, but just the parts that I wanted her to know. Dad left again and the house felt a little less full once again.

It was currently 7:30pm, we had just finished eating and I had decided to take a soothing bath while listening to my playlist. That bath was AMAZING.

I then put on my sleeping pants and got into bed. Dont judge the fact that I got sleeping pants. I first scrolled through Tik Tok before eventually falling asleep, trying to get some beauty sleep before tomorrow.

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