Why me

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I looked at the time and saw that it was now 2:45am, that was way an indicator for me and my friends to leave. I looked around and eventually found Jade sitting on the couch watching people dance while Tyler was passed out next to her. Apparently Ashley left with her boyfriend.

"Jade, I think we should leave now." I say as I approach her. "Please" she says, almost begging. "Say no more" I assured her. We picked up Tyler and put his arms over our shoulders, and started dragging him out of the party. We got to the car, and put Tyler in the back seat, and we started driving.

Ring.ring.ring. I've been trying to get hold of my family, but no-one has been answering. "Can I sleep at your house?" I asked Jade. "Sure, but what about Tyler?" "I mean we can't really take him home while he's passed out, can we. You know how strict his parents are." I state. She nods in agreement.

I pull up to Jade's house and we jump out of the car, helping Tyler in. He wakes up for a bit and starts asking a lot of questions, "Where are we?", "How did we get here?", "Where's my shoes". He eventually goes into Jade's room and falls onto the bed. I try to get him off, so that Jade can sleep in the bed, but he refuses to move. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

Jade comes back into the room and leaves some pain meds and a glass if water on the beside table. "Its fine, let him sleep on the bed, he needs it." She says sweetly as she kisses his forehead. We were like sibling to one another, we knew everything about one another and we do everything together. That's why I didn't make anything of what happened between me and Jade earlier, it was platonic.

Me and Jade stayed up late talking, about everything that happened today. "He's such a bitch" Jade says referring to Drei. "I know, I mean he didn't have to be rude about it. If he didn't want to be bothered, he should've said so" I say annoyed, taking a sip of my warm milk.

"Such a shame he's a bitch though." She states, shrugging her shoulders. "Why?" I question. " You guys would look cute together." She says in an enthusiastic way. My eyes widen as I look up at her "I doubt that he's even into guys" I say. "Have you seen yourself? You can make even the straightest guy want you." She says boosting my confidence. "Look who's speaking. How can they want me when they're too busy drooling over you?" I ask jokingly. We both giggle a little before going back to our conversation.

We've decided to get a portable mattress from the garage and put it in the lounge. We got a few pillows from the linen cabinet and a few blankets. Me and Jade were sorted. She plays with my hair, because she knows it makes me sleepy, slowly making me fall asleep.


I woke up to Jade sleeping besides me. She's so pretty even in her sleep. I then go to check up on Tyler. I get to the room and see that the medication as well as the water that Jade gave him is finished. I look onto the bed and see him asleep peacefully.

I get my keys from the kitchen counter and make my way to the car. I got In, selected my favourite playlist and drove off. I sent Jade a message letting her know that I'm at home.

I walk in through the front door and see that the house looks like a madhouse. 'Oh Fuck' I think to myself. I know why the house looks like this. My dad has bipolar disorder. So every now and then he will hear one of his rumours in the streets, and blame it on someone in the house.

I quickly ran to Jasmine's room. I saw her sleeping and made my way over to her. I slowly checked her face for any bruises or marks. At least I didn't find anything. I softly make my way out of Jasmines room and close the door behind me.

I make my way to The main bedroom to check on Arya. Knock knock knock. "Come in" I hear from the other side. I slowly open the door and make my way to Arya. I don't see any bruises or marks on her so I'm a bit calmer now. "What did he hear this time?" I ask. "Apparently he's stealing money from the government" she states blankly. I roll my eyes in annoyance. "What happened to the house? Were any of you hurt?" I ask, worried. "No, I took Jasmine to one of her friends for a playdate and by the time she came back she was sound asleep in her room. So she didn't see any of this." She says. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah I'm okay, he didn't do anything to me..." She pauses. "What's wrong, tell me" I ask gently. "He blames you"

My heart stops and I'm confused. "Why me?" I ask, slightly hurt because why me out of all people? "He says you're trying to sabotage him, because of what happened between the two of you." She says. My father and I had an argument a few weeks ago because apparently, he heard that I was gay. I basically went on about how he believes other people before believing his own child. And things got heated.

"I should've known" I say more to myself. "Believe me if I wanted to, I'd do more than just sabotage him, I'd completely break him and his reputation." I said to Arya. "I know, and that's why I tried to convince him that it can't possibly be you." She said. Me and my dad didn't have the best relationship. But I love him regardless. My dad has an issue with the fact that I look so much like my mother. I remind him of her, so whatever he done to her, he does to me. As if I deserve it.

I Got up to leave but as soon as I stood up, my Father walked in. I looked at him and slightly shook my head dissapointedly. I saw fury in his eyes. "You  bitch, can you do that to your own father? I raised you and you're trying to sabotage Me? You're just like your mother! I fucken hate you, do you understand me?" He says still looking at me. "Exactly I'm just like my mother. I'm nothing like you. My mother would never intentionally hurt someone. You on the other hand? You'll hurt everyone who loves you, just so that you can guilt trip them into believing that they're wrong. You always find someone to blame. No-one deserves that. And the fact that you think your own child would do something like that to you, just proves what type of a person you are." I say as I turn to leave. "Who do you think you speaking to? You have no respect." He says. "That's where you're wrong. I have nothing but respect for you. You only take it as disrespect because I'm finally starting to grow the backbone that you took from as kid. Yet you don't see it do you. You just look at all my flaws, never at all the good things I do." I say angrily

He looked at me, angrier than ever and before I knew it, i felt a fist collide with my cheeck. I look at him expressionless. Yes it hurt, but I don't show that to him. That will only make him feel better. Maybe if he sees that I don't react he will realise that his words or actions don't have an affect on me anymore. But it didn't he just continued until I started bleeding. I would never lay my hands on my father, I had too much respect for him, even though the thought has Crossed my Mind hundreds of times. So I just layed there and let him beat the Shit out of me.

He eventually got off of me, and went to his room. Arya stood there with a look of disbelief and sympathy. She tried to come to my aid but I stopped her. I didn't want her involved In this. I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I then went to the room and called my mother.

I waited till Around midnight, Jasmine and I's bags were packed. I'm never coming back here. And there is no way in hell that I'm leaving Jasmine here to deal with the same thing. When I heard him snoring I took the opportunity. I took me and Jasmine's bags to the car and put it in the trunk. I went to Jasmine's room and slowly carried her out of the house and put her in the car. I called Arya and told her that I was going to stay at my mothers house. She was crying but she understood why I had to leave. I said my last goodbyes, and with that, I left.

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