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I woke up feeling refreshed as ever, since I was done with school. I've never felt happier, knowing that I never have to go back to hell. Nothing can ruin this day for me. I turn to pick up my phone. I wait for it to switch on, since I switched it off last night.

16 New messages. 24 missed Calls. I read as my phone screen becomes visible. I unlock my phone and the messages come flowing in.
Thomas: 15 New messages.
Unknown: Hi, it's me Noelle.
I smile as I see her message. I save her name on my phone as chocolate, remembering the argument we had about Ice cream.

Me: Hi chocolate.
Chocolate: Chocolate?
Me: Since you like chocolate so much, I've Decided that it's my nickname for you.
Chocolate: Ncaww, ok then Vinnie.
Me: where does Vinnie come from?
Chocolate: it's short for vanilla, dummy.
Me: I should've guessed.
Chocolate: anyways what's your plans for the day?
Me: I don't know yet.
Chocolate: wanna come ice skating with me?
Me: sure, what time?
Chocolate: let's say 3?
Me: sounds perfect, see you there.

I leave the chat and go over to Drei's chats.
Drei Thomas:
Skylar I'm sorry.
Please Can we talk this out?
Answer please.
Please just talk to me.
I'm not going to stop.
Who's ignoring who now?
Why are you being like this?
My words couldn't have affected you so much.
I'm going to come over tomorrow.
And we are going to speak it out, weather omyou want to or not.

I scoffed when I saw these messages. One moment he's telling me about how I'm gay, and the next he's trying to talk things out? Men really are something else. I don't even know why I'm attracted to them.

I throw my phone on the bed, once again leaving the messages on seen. I make my way to my bathroom and get ready. As you know, my concert was sold out once again.

I get dressed while I was in the bathroom and make my way into my room. I stop dead in my tracks, as I see Drei looking at me. I quickly wipe any emotion left on my face away. And look at his eyes. It doesn't look like he has slept. "Who let you in?" I ask blankly. "Your mother, your sisters then led me to your room." He said softly. "What do you want?" I ask still keeping my emotionless facade. "Well you aren't answering my messages or calls, so I've Decided to take matters into my own hands." He says a bit more confident. "Speak, so that you can leave." I say walking to my closet. "I'm sorry for the things I said yesterday, I didn't mean it, and I deeply regret it. Please forgive me." It almost sounds like he's pleading with me. "Are you done?" I ask, not falling for his games. "Do you forgive me?" He asks hopefully. "No" I say blankly.

"You can't just come here and act as if, some meaningless words will fix everything. Your words cut me deeper than any knife ever has. Do you understand that? I've done NOTHING to deserve what you said to me. And yet you did. You blamed me for everything, when all I have ever actually done to you is look at you. But I realise now that even that was wrong of me wasn't it?" I say as tears start forming in my eyes. I try to pull them back but they are pushing through.

"No.... It.... wasn..." He tries to speak, but I stop him. "Please just leave, I feel like you've already said everything you need to say. Please just leave." I say as a tear rolls down my face, even though I keep my emotionless face on display. "You know where the Door is" I say as I turn to go to my bathroom.

I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me. My legs give in as I collapse against the door. I let the feelings take over me, I started bawling my eyes out, I tried to muffle my cries as I put my hand over my mouth. I feel like I've suppressed my cries long enough, that's why it's all coming out at once. It wasn't just Drei that's the cause of these tears, it my father, my brothers, school and all these things that made me feel worthless and empty. I never got to express my feelings because it would be viewed as me being week and seeking attention. That's why I vowed to never cry infront of people. People have done NOTHING but disappoint me. The only people who haven't are Mom, Arya, Jade, Tyler, Jasmine, Arienne and my grandmother. They're the only people who's shown me nothing but purity, love and support. Other than that, it's been nothing but disappointment.

I eventually gathered myself and washed my face. I forced a smile and decided to leave my bathroom, to my luck, he left. I make my way downstairs and find my family baking. I make my way to my mother and tell her about my plans for the day. "Yeah but my child, you can't go to your friend when you already have one over." My mom spoke. "I don't have a friend over." I say confused. "Yes you do, Drei?" She spoke, now also confused. I didn't tell my mom want happened, so she thinks that everything is okay between the two of us. " Oh yeah, sorry I forgot." I say. Drei walks out of the bathroom, and I glare at him. "Drei can I speak to quickly?" I say forcing a smile. "Sure" he says hesitantly.

We get to my room and I immediately shut my door. "What are you still doing here?" I say angrily. "I was on my way out, but then I saw your mom baking, she looked like she was struggling with carrying the flour container, so I offered to help. She then asked if I wanted one, and I obviously agreed. I didn't know that I had to wait. When I wanted to leave, she told me that it's rude to decline a gift, and then I didn't really have a choice" he says refusing to look me in the eyes. I shake my head tirelessly.

We make our way back downstairs, and I pull out my phone.
Me: Hey chocolate, change of plans, wanna come over?
Chocolate: Sure, send me your pin.
Me: ok

Now if I can't go out, why not have fun inside. I sit on the couch and watch Moana. That's my comfort movie. I hear my phone ringing and see that it's Noelle:
"Hey Vinnie, I'm at the gate."
"Ok, in quickly going to send my brother out." I say as the call drops.
I turn towards Cayden and give him a pleading smile. " Please go get Noelle by the gate?." I say. "Ok, but you owe me." He says warningly. "Yeah, sure" I say, pleased.

Noelle walks in and is immediately questioned by my sisters. "Hi, who are you?" Ari asks. "Hi, I'm Noelle, I'm your brother's friend." She says with a smile. "Oh ok, well I'm Ari and that's Jas." She says pointing towards Jas. "Oh, it's nice to meet you guys." Noelle says. "Noelle, I can't believe it's you, how are you?" My mom asks as she hugs her. " Hi Sasha, I'm okay." Noelle says politely. The reason why all my friends call my mom by her first name, is because my mom says that she feels old if someone calls her 'Aunty' or 'Miss'.

"Chocolate! I missed you." I say hugging her. I turn to see Drei, glaring at us. I look over towards him and he notices, he quickly turns away.

We spent the whole day together. Just watching movies and playing games with each other, Noelle was really something else. I think I like her. I look at the time and it's 8pm. "I need to go now, my mom's probably getting worried." Noelle states. I feel disappointed, but nod my head in agreement. "Let me walk you out." I say. She smiles and nods. We get to her car and just stare at on another, the look of lust was dripping from her eyes. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I slowly started moving closer, but just as soon as our lips were about to touch, someone opened the door. I stopped and looked awkwardly at Noelle. We smiled at one another and said our goodbyes.

I made my way into the house, and sat on the couch. "So. Chocolate huh? Howcome she gets a nickname amd i dont?" Someone asks. I turn around to see that Drei is still here. I thought he left? "Don't worry about it sweetheart." I say teasingly, knowing that it made him feel some type of way. He makes his way towards me and sits directly infront of me. "I can't see. Please get out of the way." I say unbothered. "Not until you tell me how she got the nickname." He says looking at me. "Are you jealous?" I ask teasingly. "Maybe a little." He says grinning. Our proximity was making me breathe faster, although I did try to control it. I suddenly remember what he's done. "How come? I thought you weren't into guys?" I say blankly. "Just tell me how she got the nickname." He says frustratedly, completely ignoring my question. "She took me on a date, you didn't, Get over it." I say as I stand up, to go to the room.

He suddenly pulls me by my arm. "You don't want to do this." He states. "And what exactly am I doing? Leading you on again?" I say as I now face him. "Maybe you are?" He says challenging me. "Don't tempt me." I whisper in his ear as I break from his grasp. "Leave now please, I want to go sleep." I say holding the door open for him. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He says, as he leaves. Now I can finally Catch my breath.

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