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The plane landed, and we all got In the cars. Noelle decides to drive with Jade and Tyler this time. Drei, Isaac and I, we're having a blast in the car. We decided that we would drop everyone off at their houses, before making our way to our homes. Drei and I were the final two. We made our way to McDonald's after dropping everyone off, and we just ate together. We Then drove the last few miles, just us two on the road. It was so calming.

We separated at one of the off ramps, that led to his house, and the other to mine. I got home and Ari ran towards me to hug me. "Eli! I missed you." She says clinging onto me. "I missed you too" I say as I pick her up. I was confused as to why Jas wasn't around her. She's probably sleeping. "Where's Jas?" I ask. "Oh your father came to come pick her up." My heart sank at her words. Why did I let this happen? I never should've left. "Where's mom?" I ask frantically. "She's in the room. Eli, are you okay, what's going on." Ari asks. She's old enough to see the worry and pain in my eyes. "Don't worry about it, I'm okay, it's just been a long week." I say trying to remain calm. She nods, but I could see that she didn't believe me.

I make my way into my mother's room. I see her laying in the bed. It looked like she hasn't slept in days. "Mom." I say as I go to her, tears falling down my face. "I tried to stop him. I really did. But he said that if I don't give Jasmine to him, he'll open up a case of kidnapping, against me. I had no choice." She says as she starts sobbing."Its okay mom, it's not your fault. I'll get her back." I say as I hug her.

I leave her room and make my way to mine. I knew it. That holiday was just a break. I knew that my life would return to this Shit. I sat on my bed as the reality started to set in. Why did my life have to be like this. Is this the rain before the flowers? The storm before the calmness? Well if it is then it's one big was storm. It feels like it been raining non stop for 40days and 41nights. But you know what, everything happens for a reason.

I pulled myself together, and thought of a plan. It suddenly hit me, he's going to torment her. My heart started racing at the thought. I need to be there for her. She can't go through the same thing I did. I had to go back. Tears formed in my eyes, as the memories came flowing in. I don't want to, but I have to.

I went to my mother and told her that I will be moving back to my father's house. She was hesitant at first, but she understood. She knew that Jas needed me.

I mentally prepared myself for the trauma that will resurface once I get there. I couldn't sleep the whole night, all my thoughts were consuming me. It put me in a dark place. I finally had a somewhat happy life, and he comes back and just snatched it like that.

I won't let him take my happiness. Not again. This Time I will decide what happens In my life. And my little sister is going to be a part if that life, weather he likes it or not.

I packed my bags and made my way downstairs. I saw Ari sitting by the island. I made my way up to her and saw tears in her eyes. "Mom says you're moving to your father's house?" She says, the pain evident in her tone. I nod my head slightly. "Don't you like it here? I loved having you here, why are you leaving?" She says as she now starts crying softly. It broke my heart to see her cry, and to know that I'm the cause of it, made it so much worse. "No, that's not it. I love it here. I love being around you, but I need to go. Jasmine is in trouble, and I'm the only one that can save her. I promise you that I'll be back." I say as I hold up my pinky finger. She wraps her pinky around mine and hugs me. "And remember, you don't break promises." She says to me. "Never" I say as I hug her even more tightly.

Saying bye to Ari hurt. More than it should. But I had to, Jas needs me. I got into the car and put on a playlist. This is going to be one LONG drive. I took my time, since I wasn't really eager to get there. My only concern was Jas.

I got to the house. The house that has nothing but bad memories for me. The house that made who I am today. The house with the walls that heard me cry every night, the walls that heard me praying to God to take my life. The walls that saw me at my lowest. Oh how happy I am to be back.

I called Arya to let her know I was outside. No-one knew I was coming. Not even Arya.
"Hey Sky, I figured you'd call. Things aren't going so well here."
"Hey Arya, I know, please come open the gate."
"Wait you're here?"
"Okay, I'm coming."
A few moment later Arya walked up to the gate and waited for it to open.

I got out of the car, and Arya immediately hugged me. I missed her. She doesn't know what has been happening while I've been away. It felt good to be in her presence. We made our way inside and I found Kai watching Tv. "Where have you been." He asks as his eyes widen when he sees me. He hugged me, but I couldn't hug back. I can't show affection to my brothers, I don't know why though. I loved my siblings, but I guess it just feel weird to show affection towards them. "I took a bit of a vacation, why. Did you miss me?" I say teasingly.

"Bro, so much has happened, Dad is no longer the mayor." He says. "Why?" I ask. "I don't know, something about rumours of him abusing Mom." He says, scoffing at the last part. If only he knew. We made some small talk, before I made my way to Jasmine's room. I opened the door to see her laying on her bed. She was sleeping.

I made my way over and immediately noticed the bruises in her face. Oh no. My heart Shattered at the sight of it. I failed her. I brought this upon her. We never should've left. I slowly trace over her bruises as tears roll down my face. I'm going to kill him. He put his hands on my sister.

Jas woke up. Her eyes were puffy, showing that she was crying. As soon as she saw me, her eyes shot open. "Sky." She sobs as she hugs me. I'll never let her go again. "I'm sorry Jas. I didn't mean for this to happen." I say as a tear falls down my face. "What do you mean? You didn't cause this, Dad did." She looks at me confused. "I know it's my fault. I never should've left you. I'm sorry. " I says as I hug her.
She hugs me back. This made me livid. Why would he do this to her? She a child for God's sake. One day he will see that karma really is a bitch.

I made my way out if Jasmine's room and closed the door behind me. She fell asleep in my arms. Poor child, she must be tired from all that abuse. It felt like a my heart had an anchor attached to it, and it was sinking every moment I saw the pain I Jasmine's eyes. I WILL get her out of here.

I made my way to the kitchen and made me a cup if coffee. When it was done I made my way to the room. I just sat there, deep in thought. That was very quickly disrupted when I heard the voice of the man who's caused me so much pain and suffering.

"Where the Fuck is he?! I see his car in the driveway!" He screams at Arya. Before it could escalate any further, I made my way out of the room. I turn the corner to meet the eyes of, none other than the maniac himself. "Hello dad." I say, my tone emotionless. "What are you doing here?" He asks, you could hear the hate in his voice. "I came to fetch my sister." I say honestly. "For what, she's safe here." He says. "The bruises on her face says otherwise." I say, not breaking the eye contact. Breaking eye contact showed that I was scared. I didn't fear my father, I respected him, there's a massive difference. He just couldn't tell what that difference is.

"What exactly do you mean." He asks. "It's not a 'what' that I'm fetching her from, it's a who." I say. "And who would that be." He asks. "Take a look in the mirror." I say. He looks at me, shocked. "I see you've grown some balls at your mother's house?" He states angrily. "Nope, my backbone is just strengthening itself." I say in response. He still tries to say something, but he's cut off by Kai walking in. "Am I interrupting?" Kai asks looking at me and my father. "No, you didn't, I was just about to go to my room anyway." I say as I go to my room.

I've been back for barely an hour and there's already arguments. This is going to be one LONG ass visit.

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