The project

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It's been a few weeks since my interaction with Drei, although the moment kept replaying in my head, that smile was to die for. I've come to accept the fact that I may have a little crush on him, even though I know nothing will come from it. I Get done for school and make my way downstairs. No-one else is awake yet since my siblings on wake up at 7 and Jas is being homeschooled by mom.

I go the the girls' room and kiss them both on their foreheads before leaving. I put on my morning playlist and make my way to school.

I get to school and realise that I'm quite early, so I decide to go to Jade's house to smoke before school starts. I get there and walk in since I have a key, and I know her parents leave early for work. "Jade! I'm here- " my words get cut off when I see a boy sitting on the couch next to Jade. They both turn around, looking shocked as ever. "Ummm I'm gonna g-" I say uncomfortably as I get interrupted. "No please don't. This is my boyfriend Isaac. He's new to the school and I just showed him around and things got a bit heated and now we're here" Jade says speeding through the information.

"Hey, I'm Isaac." The boy comes up to me and offers me his hand. "Sky, nice to meet you" I say shaking his hand. I turn to Jade, "So why am I only hearing about this now?" I ask. "Because you just had so much on your plate I didn't still want to bore you with my things. I was planning on telling you today at lunch." She says honestly. "Ncaww, you'll never be too much for me" I chuckle ad I bring her in for a hug. "So do you smoke?" I ask Isaac. "Of course" he says excited. " Ok then what are we waiting for?"

Jade, Isaac and I got to school and met up with Tyler. We Then made our way over to class and it was now time for History. None of my friends were in this class so I sat by myself. "Good morning class today we'll be doing a group assignment. Place yourself in groups of two and get started on the assignment that will be handed to you once you are paired up" Miss Miller spoke. 'Just great' I think to myself. I look around and see that everyone is already paired up, except for one person. Drei. "Excuse me miss, do you thinks it's possible that I do this task alone? I work better by myself." I say, trying to convince her. "Unfortunately Mr Steele, it must be in pairs." She looks around for a minute. "Ah. Mr Thomas, you are with Mr Steele." I internally groan as Drei nods his head. This is going to be a long day.

The class us about to end, and we're not even half way done. Luckily the teacher said we can complete it at home. I packed my bags and looked at Drei. "Are you taking it or am I?" I ask. "If I take it then we're doing it at my house" he says. "Here's my number, so that you can tell me when I should come over to complete it." I say as I ask for his phone. We went back and forth  He eventually gives it to me and allows me to punch in my number in his phone.

I made my way to the cafeteria, since it now time for lunch. I walk up to see Jade, Isaac, Tyler, Ashley and Drei. WAIT DREI??!! What Is he doing here? I approach the table and start greeting everyone. I pull Jade aside "What is Drei doing here?" I ask. ' Oh, he's Isaac's cousin." She says, smiling. Of course he is.

They were all too deep in conversation to notice me staring at Drei. He caught me a few times, which forced me to look away, just for me to find myself staring again. Oh the things I'd let him do. SKYLAR!! I should stop. Lunch ended and we all headed to our next class.

I got to English and found my place. I sat there through the teacher's lecture about how she's disappointed in our results and how in her 25 years of teaching she's never had a worse class, and so on. The lecture ends and before I knew it, it was time to go home.

I got home to find the house empty. A message popped up on my phone.
Mom: Hey Sky, we just went grocery shopping, but we'll be back in like an hour or two.
Me: No problem :).

I put on a playlist and started my concert. It was sold out. My concert was interrupted by my phone ringing. It was an unknown number.
"Don't tell me you forgot?"
"Who is this, if I may ask?"
"Take a guess."
"Umm no."
"I guess you'll just have to fail history"
A moment of realisation hit me.
"Wow took you long enough"
"Haha very funny" I say sarcastically.
"Should I come over?"
"No, I just called to check up on you, since we barely know each other"
"Of course you should come over, Sky"
"Only people who really know me calls me Sky." I say mockingly.
"I mean I know enough about you." He says.
"Sure you do. I'll be there in an hour." I say as I drop the call.

What did he mean he knows enough about me? I pushed my thoughts to the side and went to change. I sent mom a message letting her know I'm going over to a friends house. I then got my keys and set the route to the pin he sent me.

I got there by around 4:45. His house is beautiful. It was modern and minimalistic house, it was still beautiful. He opened the door, and let me in. He seemed to be home alone. He led me to his room, which didn't match his aesthetic at all. There were warm tones all around the room, while he was always in dark clothes.

"You have a beautiful house by the way." I say. "Thank you. My mother is an interior designer, so it's all her work." He says smiling.

We were almost done with the project. That's when his door opened, and a woman who look like she's in her mid 30s came in. "Drei dinner is-" she halted as she saw me. "Oh I didn't know you had a guest over." She says as she looks at me while smiling. "Hi miss, I'm Sky" I say as I greet her. "Hi I'm Annabelle, but you can call me Annie." She says still smiling. "Are you going to join us for dinner?" She asks hopefully. "I really would love to but I can't. My mom doesn't like it when I intrude on people's dinner time." I say. "Unfortunately, I can't send you back home on an empty stomach, and I won't take No for an answer. So I'll see you at the table." She says as she heads out. "Your mom doesn't give up does she?" I said as I looked at Drei, defeatedly. "No she does not." He says standing up. "You coming" he asks. "Do I have a choice?" I ask, knowing the answer. He shakes his head slightly.

Dinner was amazing, his mom is an awesome cook. "So Sky, who is your parents?" Annie asks. "Well my mom is Sasha Simson and my dad is Sergio Steele." I say. "No ways! Your Mom was my best friend in school. I, unfortunately had to move to Thailand because of my job, and we just lost contact." She says excitedly. "Wait, really?" I asked, confused.
"Yes! She was the best cook, she taught me everything I know." She says smilling. "Send my greeting will you?" She asks. "Will do" I say, chuckling at her excitement.

I look at the time and it's 7:35. "I need to get going now, but it was nice meeting you Annie." I say as I reach for my keys. "It was a pleasure to get to know you. Come again soon" She says as she saves bye. Drei walked me to my car, but before I got In I had to ask him something.

"What did you mean by, 'you know enough about me?" I ask, since the thought never left my Mind. "Don't worry about it" he says grinning. "No I'm not just gonna leave it. I want to know." I say slightly pressing his shoulder. "See you tomorrow Steele" he says walking back towards the house, completely ignoring my question. Leaving me confused.

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