Psych ward

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Jas and I were back at my mum's for the past five days. To say that Ari was happy to see us, would be an understatement. She literally bombarded us with hugs and tears. She was ecstatic to have us back. We caught up on the time we missed together. "So what are you getting us for Christmas?" Ari asks pointing at herself and Jas. Oh Shit I totally forgot about that, Christmas is in ten days and I still haven't got my family their presents.

"Its a surprise obviously." I say trying to hide the fact that I don't have one yet. I had nothing to do today anyway, so let me go do some shopping. I opened my messages and messaged Drei and asked if he wanted to join me. He agreed and said that he's be over in 30minutes. I had to shower before heading out.

I chose a simple outfit, it was just a black baggy shirt with a pair of jeans and my slides. I made my way downstairs and saw Drei speaking to my mother. "You two seem to be enjoying each other's company?" I say as I walk down the stairs. "Yeah, your mother is such a nice person to speak to." He says with a smile in his face. "Believe me I know." I say as I stand next to him. He stands up and kisses me in the cheeck. I look over to my mother to see her smiling at us. My mother didn't care about my sexuality, she always said "as long as my children are happy, I'm happy." She could see that I was happy.

"Where are you two off to?" She asks. "Christmas shopping." I say. She gives us a nod and makes her way to the lounge as we make our way out of the house. We got into his car and made our way to the Mall. He drove since I wasn't in the mood to drive.

We got to the mall and we started going from place to place. I knew what I wanted for Ari, but jas was a very picky person. We made our way to the IStore to get Ari's gift. She's been talking about how she's wanted the new IPhone 15. So that's what I got her, I got Cayden the same thing since I've also heard him talk about it for quite a while. I got the phones and wrapped them up in wrapping paper at one of the stalls in the mall.

I made my way over to A jewlery shop, and saw the perfect gift for her. It was a diamond Necklace that I could customize. I decide to put her name on there, and and a touch of a very light pink colour in her name, so that it stands out a bit. Jas loved jewlery, and I feel like this necklace will just Make her day.

We were waiting for the people to finish wrap the gifts."Wouldn't you and your mom like to spend Christmas with us?" I ask As I turn to face him. "Funny that you ask, because your mom already mad plans with my mom." He says as he smiles.

"Why are you smiling like that." I ask curiously. "Nothing, just admiring you." He says looking at me. "Why, there's nothing to admire." I say. I was very insecure. So receiving compliments has always been hard for me, I just don't know how to react to them. "What do you mean, have you seen yourself? You're literally beautiful. My mom won't stop speaking about how handsome you are. I'm starting to think she likes you more than she like me." He says laughing at the last part. I smile in response, mainly because I didn't believe him. What can I say, growing up on a toxic household really does something to your self esteem.

We make our way to the food court, and order food for us. "Lets take picture please!" I say looking at him with hopeful eyes. "Why?" He asks in defence. "For memories." I say in a duh tone. He didn't get a chance to reply, before I took his phone out if his hand. We started taking pictures and they were stunning.

We made our way back home after we finished lunch. When we got home we found Annie there, speaking to my mom. "Hi mom." Drei and I say in unison. We laugh a little at the way we said it at the same time. "Hello my son." They also say in unison. We all laugh at the events that just occurred.  We all spoke a little before Drei and I made our way to the lounge. I put all the gifts under the tree and pit on a movie to watch. I decided on frozen. What can I say? I like the plot of the movie. The plot being Elsa

Drei layed on me and we stayed like that the whole day. My mom and Annie went to go do grocery shopping for the dinner they were planning for Christmas. Jas and Ari went to their friends house, Cayden was in any case never at home and Richard(my mom's husband) was currently working in Russia due to his business operations. So we were alone. We watched a few movies before deciding to play hide and seek in the house.

We were having fun, until I saw a figure by the window in the lounge. I was frozen in place, not knowing what to do, I done the only thing I could, I stood dead still staring at the figure, I didn't move an inch.  It looked a lot like the on that I saw in Hawaii . I heard Drei approach me "What's wrong?" He asks, you could hear the worry in his voice. I slowly pointed my finger to the window. His face dropped when he saw the figure As well. "Who do you think it is?" He asks, not removing his gaze on the figure. "I... I...I..." i try to speak, but the words refuse to leave my mouth.

The figure makes it's way into the light, and my heart stops when I see who it is. Noelle. "What the Fuck do you want from me?" I ask through the glass, my tone was bitter, I admit, but she needs to get the message. "I just want you." She says giving us a crazy smile. "Noelle, leave." I say blankly. "Oh vinnie, what happened to chocolate. But that's okay, your sisters love the nickname though." She says as she shines a light on my sisters who are tied up and their mouths ate taped shut.

At that moment I felt every bit of anger I've held back, consume me. "You crazy bitch." I say as I make my way towards the sliding door leading outside. "Sky don't." Drei pulls me back. "Its my fucken sisters Drei. I would die before I let anything happen to them." I say as I break free from his grasp.

I made my way outside and saw Noelle smiling wickedly. "They willingly jumped in the car, since they know I'm your friend." She says as the poison drips from her tone. "You know what, you are crazy, you belong in a psych ward. But let me tell you something, I am much crazier, especially when my sisters are involved." I say still making my way towards her. "I'm not crazy, I'm in love." She says looking at me. "Sure you are." I say as I make my way past her, to my sisters.

"Don't Fucken touch them." She says as I feel something cold touch my head. At that moment, nothing mattered except for my sisters safety. "Or what?" I spit out. "You won't shoot me." I say knowingly. "You sure about that?" She asks. I don't answer as I continue to untie my sisters. I suddenly feel my body being kicked to the side. Okay I see how you wanna play this bitch. I stand up and make my way to her, as she is now trying to tie up my sisters again. I suddenly smack the Shit out of her and she falls to the other side of the room.

I quickly untie my sisters and order them to run into the house. Once they are safely inside, I turn my attention to Noelle who is now rubbing the side of her cheeck. I don't ever raise my hand for a woman, but first of all, she put her hands on my sisters, secondly, she hit me first. I know that doesn't justify what I did, but what else could I do in that moment?

I'm pulled out if my thoughts by Noelle laughing maniacally. I look up at her to see her holding a gun in her hand. "Like I've said before, you won't shoot me."I say as I stand up to walk past her. I hear a loud bang and turn around to see the the gun pointing in my direction, smoke coming out of the front part of it. I look at myself and notice that my arm is bleeding. I look up at Noelle again, before the pain starts rushing in. I look down and the blood is flowing out more and more. My vision starts blurring but the last thing I could see is Drei trying to take the gun away from her. I could only hear for a couple of seconds before it all went black.

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