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I was woken up to my sisters jumping in my bed, "Come on Sky, it's time to open our presents." Jas screams. I groan in annoyance. "Why so early" I ask. "Because we want the present Now." Ari answers. I playfully role my eyes and take the sheets off me. I got out of bed and made my way to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

I made my way downstairs, and saw my mom and Richard sitting on the couch. "Morning" I say as I fall onto the couch. "Morning Sky, Merry Christmas." Richard says to me. "Morning my Child." Mom says. I get up and hug them both. "Merry Christmas." I say. Ari, Jas and Cayden came down and started opening their presents.

"An iPhone 15pro?" Ari and Cayden says In unison. "You're the best brother ever." They say as they run to hug me. Jas opens her gift and her eyes widen when she sees the gift I got her. "Thank you Sky." She says as she cries tears of happiness. They opened the rest of their presents and thanked Mom and Richard for them. Mom, Richard and I decided that we're going to open our presents once Drei and Annie come.

We all got ready and made our way to church. The sermon was beautiful. It felt good to be in church again. I haven't been going due to the drama that I had with my dad. I know going to church would've probably saved me from the situation, but I didn't have the energy to pretend to be happy, when I reality I wasn't.

Church ended and we made our way back home. Mom was setting up the table, and I was checking on the food. We hear

d a car pull up to the driveway and knew it was Drei and Annie. "Heyyy" Annie says as she walks in. "Annie!" I say as I make my way over and give her a hug. She then went on and greeted everyone else. "Hey sweetheart." I say as I tease Drei. I was just teasing him, because I gave him the nickname, when he got jealous of me and.... yeah. "Heyy" he says as he hugs me. We made our way over to the dinning room and he greeted everyone.

We all gathered around and said a prayer before eating. The food was AMAZING. My mom and I had prepared the food, and Annie made the dessert. We were all in our own conversations. Drei and I were speaking about college, and the different colleges we wanted to go to. "I would live to get into Princeton. I heard they offer the best architecture lessons." I say. "I wouldn't mind going to yale. I want to become a psychologist." He says. I never knew he was into pshycology.

We all made our way to the lounge and opened our presents. When I opened mine from Drei, it was a bracelet with the words 'sweetheart' engraved at the bottom. "Ncaww Drei." I say as I hug him. He opened his gift from me next. I got him a pair of Jordan 4s, he's been talking about the black cats. He looked at me in shock. "Are you serious?" He exclaimed. He didn't give time to respond as I felt my feet leave the ground. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He says excitedly. My mother opened her gift next. I got her a sapphire ring, because she loved the colour blue. I mean even her car is a very dark blue, with a black undertone. My mother had a Bmw x3M. Richard drove a black Audi RS3. I got Richard an Apple watch, since he's been wanting one. And I got Annie a Necklace with a beautiful ruby in the middle.

They opened the rest of the presents and we decided that it was time for dessert. Annie made peppermint tart, An Oreo cake, and some custard and jelly. Peppermint tart was my favourite dessert EVER. Drei knew about it, I wonder if he had anything to do with it's appearance on the menu.

Drei and I later went for a drive to go see Jade, Tyler, Ashley and Isaac. We got there, and found everyone Watching a movie. I hugged Jade And Tyler and wished them Merry Christmas. Isaac wasn't there yet, and the reason why I didn't hug Ashely, is because things were still a bit awkward between the two of us. She and Jade were the first people
I Came out to, Ashley was my bestfriend at the time, but she didn't take ME, coming out, too well.



The 12th of December 2023, a date I will never forget, the night my best friend ripped my heart out of my chest, ripped it apart, and put it forced the pieces back into my chest.

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