Something Special

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Drei's Pov

I wonder where it all went wrong, one moment we were playing hide and seek, having the time of our lives, and the next I'm in the hospital waiting for news about him. I called Sasha while Noelle was still at the house, to let her know about what's going on, and that she should inform the police.

Sasha heard the gunshot as well, but I didn't have the answers to all her questions. I rushed out of the house to check what was happening, it's when I turned the corner that I saw what I hoped wouldn't happen. I saw the blood rapidly flowing out of Sky's arm. I ran to Noelle and grabbed the gun from her, and I hit her on the head with it. The reason I did that is because, i couldn't just let her get away, and I also couldn't tie her up, because how would that look like to the cops?

After Noelle was knocked out, I ran towards Sky to try and stop the bleeding. I took my shirt off and wrapped it around the wound. I tried to stop as much as I could. I tried keeping him awake, but he never woke up. I started crying and praying to God, not to take him away. We had just found each other, and we couldn't loose each other, not like this.

My mom and Sasha found me holding Sky in a pool of his own blood, bawling my eyes out. "Please help him" I say to my mother as the tears continue to fall. "The paramedics are on their way. Do worry everything is going to be fine." She says as she comes to me and holds me.

Sasha looked at me and tears immediately filled her eyes. "Where are the girls?" She asks me. "They're in the bathroom, I told them to hide there for the time being." I tell her as I see the paramedics and police pull up to the house.

The Ambulance took Sky, and Sasha and I drove with them. Mom offered to stay and look after the girls while we were gone. We got to the hospital and they rushed Sky to the ER. The doctors stopped us from going through and said that we need to wait in the waiting room. Sasha told me to go home and change and that she will call me if there are any updates. I refused, but she told me that seeing his blood on my shirt, was making her think the worst possible things. I reluctantly agreed to go and freshen up. I didn't want to make her stress even more.

I went home and took a shower. As his blood ran down my skin it made me realise, just how much Sky means to me. It felt like he was saying goodbye to me. I had to get this blood off me. I took a few clothes for my mom As well, since she is with Sasha's kids. I bought them some food before I left to go back to the hospital.

I got there to find Sasha crying in a chair. I made my way over to her and just hugged her. She hugged me back and started sobbing into my shirt. "I'm such a bad mother, how could I let this happen?" She sobs. "Nonsense. You're an amazing mother, you show everyone around you kindness and love, you do everything for your kids, and they can't live without you." I say trying to console her. "Thank you for being there for him Drei." She says as she looks up to me. "Anytime." I say as I hug her. "Now why don't you go freshen up quickly, I'll call you if anything happens, and I'm not taking no for an answer, your other kids are worried about you." I say. She nods her head and makes her way to the door.

I sit in the very uncomfortable chair and wait for something, anything. I wait a bit more until I see Sasha walk through the doors. The doctor also walks through the door of the operating room, and make their way towards us. "Are you here For Skylar Steele?" The doctor asks. "Yes we are." Sasha answers. "Mam, your son has lost a lot of blood, this could be fatal since your child is also suffering from anaemia he urgently needs a blood transfusion. We need Mam to sign these consent forms." The doctor speaks. "Of course. Do you have a donor yet?" Sasha asks as she signs the documents. "Yes we do, the blood bank has his blood type in stock. He's very lucky, because his blood type is very rare. So the fact that we had that blood at the blood bank, was a miracle." The doctor says to Sasha. "It not a miracle, it's God's protection." She says as she smiles.

"We need to go now, visiting hours are over. Well come back first thing tomorrow morning okay?" I say to Sasha. She nods her head and we make our way to the door.

We get home and everyone is awake. Well except for Jas. We made our way into the house and I immediately went to the pizza. I was starving. Sasha made her way over to mom and they were speaking about Sky's condition. I was busy speaking to Ari and Cayden. We were just creating some small talk.

"Look at the time, we need to leave." Mom says as she stands up. "You Must be mad if you think I'm going to let you drive this late. You can sleep here. We have a spare room, and Drei can sleep in Sky's bed." Sasha offers. My mom wanted to argue, but she was quickly stopped by the sympathetic look, Sasha gave her. "Ok thank you." Mom says.

I make my way up to his room and I walk through the door. I'm immediately hit with his scent. The scent of his perfume. The same perfume that has me looking around like a mad person, whenever I smell it in a crowded place. It smelt like baby powder, but it has a masculine scent to it as Well. It smelt Devine on him.

I made my way to his bathroom and washed my face. I noticed he uses the same face wash as me, so I used a little, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

Once I was done I made my way to his bed and got under the covers. I put on some white noise on the tv in his room. I first went through my phone, and the pictures we took today popped up. I loved these pictures. Everything about it was so pure, our smiles were genuine, we were happy, nothing mattered at the moment. Sky made me happy, happier than anyone ever really has, besides my mom.

I decide to put one of the pictures we took as my lock screen. It was the one where he is busy kissing me on the cheeck and I look like I'm uninterested, even though we both know that I loved the attention I was getting. Sky gave me the attention I never knew I needed. My inner child felt safe with him. It felt like he was a safe space for me.

I slowly felt my eyes get heavy, before I completely fell asleep. But before I could sleep, I remember thinking about what he said to me the other day. "You know what? I'm so thankful that God has placed you I my life. I think he knew that I needed you." If only he knew how much I actually needed him as well.

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