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I've apparently been in hospital for 5 days, having 5 days left for Christmas. I'm currently still in the hospital, but that's just because they want to run some tests on my blood. Apparently I'm Aneamic. Yeah what a shock. I actually did kind of expect it. I've been passing out randomly over the last couple of years, I always thought it was low iron, but when I donated blood, they told me that my blood was healthy. There wasn't really a reason for it until now.

"I'm back." I hear Drei's voice walking through the door. He's been here the whole time that I was in hospital. He's been bringing me proper food, since the hospital food is horrible, and he's been feeding me, since I couldnt really move my right arm, which is also my dominant hand. "Hey I've missed you." I say as he kisses me in the cheek. "Oh yeah, Arya has been here a couple of times, to check on you. She's such an amazing person." He says as he puts the food on my table. "Yeah, she's the best." I say as I stuff some fries in my mouth.

"She said that's she's coming again today." He says. "Oh at least this time I'll be conscious." I say sarcastically. I only woke up yesterday afternoon. So by the time I woke up, Arya had left already. They say that the reason I was out for so long, is because of the amount of blood I had lost, so my body needed time to produce the blood, and it can't do that if I'm awake and doing a lot of things that stop the blood flow.

I finished my food, and went to take a shower, I was being discharged today, but only once they got my test results back. Drei at least brought me some comfortable clothes with. He brought a white, baggy shirt, black sweatpants and my favourite black hoodie. Funny enough, when I smelt the clothes, it smelt like him. Has he been wearing my clothes? It probably would fit him, since my clothes are purposefully to big for me.

I got out if the bathroom to find Drei sitting in the chair besides my bed. "Did you wear my clothes?" I ask. "Maybe." He says playfully. "Well thank you, because now I don't need to smell like antibiotics and medicine, I get to smell like you." I say as I make my way to the bed. My Arm was still in pain, but it was manageable. Drei and I spoke for a few minutes and soon started playing a game on his phone.

Drei and I were interrupted by the door opening. "Oh my child, you gave me such a fright. I thought you weren't going to make it." Arya says as she hugs me tightly. "Its gonna take a lot more than a bullet to take me out." I say hugging back. I look to the door and see my father walk into the room. My eyes widen and I softly whisper into Arya's ear "what's he doing here" I ask. "I forced him to come. This had to open his eyes. You could have died. The way your last conversation ended, it wouldn't have been a good last memory of you." She says turning to my father.

I made my way to the bed and sat down. "Hi dad." I say. "Hello" he says coldly. "Arya, this Drei, as you may know, he's my..... Friend." I say to Arya. "Yeah I know him, he's been here the whole time." She says as she smiles at Drei. "Drei this is my father." I say coldly. "Hello uncle." Drei says. My father just looks at Drei. He continues to look down on his phone. 

"Ok you know what, didn't you come here to talk?"I ask my father. The silence was starting to overwhelm me. "Firstly I didn't come because I wanted to, Arya forced me to come." He says coldly. "Ok well I have something to say." I say firmly. "I should've known." He says rolling his eyes. "Lets just clear the air really quickly. Drei is not my friend, he's my boyfriend." I say boldly. "I knew it!" Arya whisper shouts. "Ok why the Fuck you telling me that bullshit?" My father Spits.

"Because, you are now going to decide, do you want to accept me for who I am and continue to be in my life, or you can still resent me for being attracted to men, you can write me off for all I care, but i won't be running after you, because at the end of the day; you're the parent. You're supposed to love me, no matter what, not just when it suits you. I have a dream to chase, and unfortunately for you, that dream isn't running after some grown ass man, that doesn't know the first thing about a good father. I could have died for God's sake, yet you are over here being heartless. A good parent would've pit all their bullshit aside, and focused on their child. And I would just like to let you know, if you decide to cut me off. That's your choice. But don't come back one day when I'm successful and try to use the whole 'but I'm your father' bullshit. Your guiltripping doesn't work in me anymore. I've grown immune to your intoxicating words that's only purpose is to manipulate and break down other people. So the choice is yours, you have until the doctor comes back with my results, to decide. I'm not going to spend my days leading up to Christmas, wondering weather or not you want me in your life or not." I say as I stand up to go get some coffee.

Drei and Arya cane with and we were chatting. "So when were you planning on telling me you had a boyfriend?" Arya asks. "Well I didn't even know I was his boyfriend until a few minutes ago." Drei adds. I smiled at them, not wanting to give them a response. "I mean he didn't even take me on a date." Drei adds once again. "Come on Sky, that's not how we raised you." Arya jokes. We all were laughing a bit, until we decided to go back to the room.

We entered the room and found my father sitting on the chair besides my bed. "I've made my decision." He says blankly. "Really?" I ask. "You're no longer my son, I disown you. You're a disgrace to the Steele surname. You can continue your pathetic life with him. I just don't want to be apart of it." He says walking towards the door. "My life was just pathetic because I had a pathetic excuse for a father." I say, loud enough for him to hear. With that, I heard the door close. I looked over to Arya. There was pain in her eyes. She looked at me and mouthed the word 'sorry'. I just gave her an assuring smile.  She also left shortly after.

"I'm sorry about that." I say to Drei, as I now lay between his legs with by head resting on his chest. "Its not your fault." He says quietly. I squeeze his arm gently in response. The doctor walked in and told me my results. He said that there wasn't really anything wrong with me, except for the anaemia. He assured that everything was okay and told me that I was free to go.

I was excited to leave especially since I get to see my sisters, even though I'm only going to see them later that day. My mom wasn't at the hospital, because she had to go to Noelle's court case, since my sisters were testifying against her. It was honestly a shame. She was a very beautiful girl, and I genuinely had feelings for her. It's just that Drei has put some sort of spell on me, so the feelings I had felt for him were just stronger.

We got home, and we found Annie on the couch. She ran up to me and hugged me. "Sky! I'm so glad that you're okay." She says as her eyes slowly start to tear. "Its okay, I'm fine." I say as I give her another hug. She hugs me tight, but a little too tight. She hurt my arm just a little, from the pressure, but it was okay.

We sat down, made some coffee and just continued talking about everything. A few hours had passed and Drei and I were In the kitchen. He was busy making some pasta for dinner, and I was there as his emotional support animal. I heard the door open, and as soon as the people walked through the door, my sister jumped on me. "Wait!" I scream in defence. "You guys can't jump on me just yet, my arm still needs to recover." I say and their smiles drop. "Okay we'll jump in you once your arm gets better." As I says, as she regains her happy mood.

I look up to see my mother staring at me. She walks up to me and gives me a hug, avoiding the arm brace, trying not to hurt me. "You scared the Shit out if me boy. Don't ever do that to me again." She says as she slowly starts crying. "I'm so sorry mom, I promise I won't." I say as I hug her back.

We all gathered around the dinner table and we prayed before eating. Once the prayer was over, we dove straight into the food. Drei dished up for me, since my Arm... yeah. The food was AMAZING by the way. This boy really knows how to cook.

I look around the table and I was surrounded by happiness, no unwanted drama or tension. Just happiness. This is what life can be. My storms were finally over. This was the calm after the storms. It was the flowers that the rain brought. All those storms I was facing throughout the years, have disappeared. And it was all thanks to God. I know that he's never stopped looking out for me, he was always there he knew what he was doing, he didn't do it on my time. He done it on his time, which is the perfect time.

After dinner Drei and I made our way to my room. I saw that my bed was made differently than when I normally do it. "I wonder who slept in my bed." I say as I fall onto the bed. I can smell Drei's perfume on my sheets. "Was it you?" I ask knowingly. He gives a cheeky smile, and falls onto the bed as well. He eventually fell asleep, I couldn't sleep on the other hand. I look to the boy who's laying next to me and see the moonlight hit his exposed back, revealing his tatoos.

He had a spine tattoo that led from his neck, down to his mid back. The tatoo was a hand that had strings falling through the fingers, and attached to those strings, we're planets. The tatoo was beautiful. I slowly started tracing it. That made me sleepy, I was at Saturn and felt myself give in to the sleepiness. I felt his hand fall over me and wrap around my stomach. That made me feel.... special. At that moment it felt like nothing mattered. I could lay like this forever.

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