4. Storytime?

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Life at the prison nowadays was wonderful

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Life at the prison nowadays was wonderful. They had defeated the Governor's army, and taken in most of the Woodbury residents. Nellie and Daisy settled into a cell right beside Carl's, Daisy on the top bunk and Nellie on the bottom. Nellie would often stumble into Carl's cell during the night. She wouldn't sleep much for fear of dreaming of those she had lost. She'd lay on the floor beside his bunk, and they'd whisper to eachother until one of them gave into sleep's persuasion.

"You didnt wake us up!"

Nellie says, walking beside Carl. She was wearing his hat because he wouldn't, it wasnt a 'farming' hat.

"Because I knew you were both up all night reading comics and talkin'."

Ricks replies, walking towards the pair with a smirk. They all lean over the small fence of the pig pen, staring at one in particular.

"What's up with Violet?"

Carl questions, looking up to his father.

"C-Carl, I told you not the name 'em. They're not piglets anymore, they're food."

Ricks mumbles.

"I just thought- you know until..Okay."

Carl says, visibly defeated. Nellie looks over at him with a mischievous smile.

"Violet's a horrible name anyway."

She laughs quietly and Carl joins in, shaking his head.

"I dont know what's goin' on with her. Could be sick, could be nothing."

Rick clicks his tongue as they all stare down at the nasty pig.

"Feel better..Violet. Come on, let's get to it."

Rick says, turning to smile at the two kids beside him. They chuckle as a response. The three of them walk away, starting with their daily duties. Nellie fed and watered the pigs, Carl watched a lot. Carl helped his dad move some soil, Nellie watched a lot.

"Let's go!"

Rick says. There was a whistle. Carl and Nellie jump up, running towards the gates with Rick. They pull on the ropes, the large orange doors to their small world opening loudly. Michonne rides in on her horse, and Rick closes the gate again. The three of them run up to Michonne.


Nellie says, a huge grin on her pink lips. She runs towards michonne, jumping into her arms. Michonne looks up at Rick, smiling. "Glad to see you." Rick mumbles. "Glad to see you too." Michonne whispers.

"I missed you too!"

Michonne chuckles, holding the girl tightly. Nellie pulls away, smiling up at her. Carl walks up beside her, their grins matching.

"Somebody hit the jackpot."

Michonne says, reaching into the pocket of her horse's saddle. She pulls out a stack of comic books and Carl's face lights up. He takes them eagerly, looking through them.

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