8. Chonnie.

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(disclaimer: this chapter's gonna be really short, i just wanted to add michonne finding them to help portray more of her and nellie's relationship.)

Nellie and Carl had split up earlier, Nellie searching a neighboring home while Carl yelled at his father and ate pudding. Afterwards They ate some food with Rick, until there was a knock on the door. Rick pulls his gun, and hobbles over to the door. He peeks through the small peep hole, and his cautious face changes to a happy one. He turns around to face the two kids, and he smiles.

"It's for you."

Nellie cocks her head, and Carl looks unamused.


Nellie has a glint of hope in her voice, but it fades when Rick shakes his head. He opens the door after untying the cord, and Michonne is standing there.


She jumps over the couch, falling into Michonne's arms as quiet sobs fill the room. Nellie thought she was gone, she had accepted her friend's terrible fate but now she didnt have to. She was here, holding Nellie tight against her dirt covered clothes.

"Im here Nell."

Michonne cries as well, but she quickly wipes it away. Michonne was starting to feel motherly towards the young girl and her sister. She was lost without them, and she was still missing half the eggs in her basket. But she was grateful as ever to have Nellie with her, to protect and love. Carl smiles and walks over, hugging michonne as well.

"The band's back together."

Michonne says, a smile on her face scrunching up her eyes. Nellie giggles through a sniffle, and Carl scoffs.

Michonne was back with two of her babies.

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