21. A busted lip, and betrayal.

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This whole Scavengers plan had a weird feeling to it

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This whole Scavengers plan had a weird feeling to it. I didnt trust these people, so as me and Michonne filed upstairs with two of the Scavenger women I kept a close eye on them. This felt too easy almost, so my guard was as high as a kite.

There were 3 windows facing where the Saviors would be, so three of us set up rifles. I offered to keep watch downstairs, letting the three women each shoot. I didnt wanna turn my back on one of them, so I let them turn their back on me. Chonne gave me a knowing look as I started my trek down the stairs. I stayed on the first floor, watching as the Saviors rolled up.

They always had this stupid entrance, making themselves all big and cool. This particular time Eugene was the introductory speaker, surprisingly so. Apparently he had switched sides. He was a coward, I didnt expect more. I watched as Rick spoke, waiting for his sign to Rosita. But when it came, nothing happened. No big boom, no shooting, nothing. Silence. I was confused for a few moments until I heard the quiet sound of guns cocking, and Rick's hands went into the air.

I fucking knew it. Those assholes didnt live up to shit. I sit and watch for a couple moments, my mind blanking on what to do, until I see the walker version of Sasha tumble out of a coffin, onto Negan. I never knew Sasha well, but I still admired her. She was the best shot we had, and she cared about us. She had given me and Carl extra food when we were on the road, and found us some honeysuckle. She was gonna be missed.

I watch as my beloved Carl does something brave, taking the first shots. He was using Sasha's diversion to take out the Scavengers. That's my boy. Everyone else follows, and before I knew it, the bastards were running with their tails tucked. I had completely forgotten Chonnie was up there, until I heard a loud crash outside, and looked to see one of the women that was up there with her laid on the ground.

"Oh shit."

I mumble, pulling out my pistol and sprinting up the stairs. I reach the top, panting, and I see Michonne and the other lady fighting over Michonne's pistol. Chonnie's face is busted bad, bleeding down her chest.


I say, running over, kicking the lady in the side. Michonne's gun tumbles, and so does Michonne, falling against a wall. The lady runs at me, and I toss my pistol to Michonne, pulling out my knife. If something happens to me, I want Michonne to be protected. I stab at her face, but she ducks. She jabs her first into my jaw, and I feel my lip cut. I spit some blood to the side, I had bit my tongue. She reaches for her own knife, stabbing it into my thigh. I groan as she pulls it back out, stumbling slightly, but my adrenaline keeps me going. I slash her arm with my knife, and she yelps. She reaches for her arm, and as she does I stab her, in the eye. Blood gushes down her face, and I retrieve my knife, falling back beside Chonnie. Her body falls to the floor with a quiet thud, and I breathe heavily, the pain from my leg finally hitting me. I hold my hands to the bloody wound, attempting to stop the substance from gushing further. I grunt, putting as much pressure as I can manage.


Chonnie mumbles, her hand reaching over to brush my arm.

"Im okay..Im okay, are you okay?"

I turn my attention to Michonne, my pants heavy and labored. Before she can answer we hear footsteps stomping up the stairs. I twist my head around, and sit up in a crouching position. I block Michonne from view and feel my body tense. I hold my knife ready, but relax when I see Rick. He rushes to Michonne's side, and Carl fumbles in behind him, kneeling beside me.

"Nell, holy shit.."

His words are full of concern as he looks over my bloody thigh. He pulls at his flannel, wrapping the soft fabric around my leg. I lift it slightly to help him, and watch as he glances over at Michonne.

"What happened?"

He asks me, his look concerned and anxious.

"I was downstairs..on watch. They must've ambushed Chonne. I ran up here as fast as I could, and she had already taken down one. The other one had beat her I guess, so I.."

I point to the dead body, sighing as I catch my breath.

"It's okay, you did what you had to do..Come on."

He pulls my arm over his shoulders, slowly lifting me to my feet. I limp to the stairs, and Carl practically drags me down.

"Slow down Assface."

I grumble, squeezing his shoulder. He groans, slowing his pace.

"That was pretty badass what you did."

I say, complimenting his quick thinking.

"Think so?"

He says, his face red from exhaustion, and maybe a bit of blush.

"Yeah, you thought quick. Probably saved all of our asses. Im proud of you."

I mumble honestly, looking over at him as we continue down the stairs.

"It was nothing compared to what you did up there. You saved Michonne."

"You saved everyone."

I interject, arguing against his opinion. I lean over and kiss his cheek, and he either gets really exhausted or really flustered.

"Thank you, Carl."

He nods his head, and we finally reach the first floor. I hear Rick talking behind us but Carl doesn't let up, continuing to walk towards to gates. We're let in and I stumble through smoky air.

𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳. (yes ik i screwed up the timing a little, but lets just pretend carl and rick immediately went to check on nell and michonne, and then the whole war started.)

"And now, Im gonna kill Carl here!"

Nagan's blunt voice announces, and anger fills my entire being. He's not gonna die, not like this. Im knelt beside Rick, the blood from my leg dry on Carl's shirt. It had stopped bleeding thankfully.

I look up at Negan, my eyes dark and narrow. I could just jump up and slit his throat right here. A knife to the jugular and this would all be over. I jump up from my seated position, swinging my fist right into Negan's cheekbone. He falls backwards, and I hear a gun cock behind my head.

"Damn kid! You must really love that boy, kill her."

He looks over at the man holding the gun to my head, and I cower. I regret it. I dont wanna die. He presses the gun, and I ready myself. Im gonna die, it's all over. Daisy's not gonna have a sister anymore, Carl's gonna be alone. It's over.

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