7. Lost again.

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Everything was gone

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Everything was gone. The safety, the comfort, and the heart of their home was destroyed. The Governor came back and destroyed their home, taking Hershel's life along the way. Nellie didnt know him super well, she had only talked to him a couple times. But everytime she did he was extremely kind, and she knew Maggie and Beth were destroyed at the loss of their father. But to Nellie's knowledge, they were all gone so it really didnt matter.

Carl cries out, his father leaned against his side. They were staring at Judith's empty carseat, it was soaked in blood. Carl's anger bubbles over as he spots a walker nearby. He shoots his gun over and over, sobs escaping his chapped lips.

"Carl, Carl..We gotta go.."

Rick's words are muffled through his swollen mouth, and he hugs Carl from behind. They start walking but stop when they hear a quiet mumble.


Nellie whispers, standing up from her laid position on the rough concrete. Carl spins around, his eyes landing on his closest friend. He sighs, his eyes closing. Her thigh was bleeding, and her shirt was covered in the red substance. Carl rubs his lips together, his cries quieting.


His dad stands, holding his side. Nellie stumbles over to Carl, hugging around his torso. Carl hugs back, the relief of her being alive washing over him. She cries into his dirty flannel shirt, gripping his collar between her bloody fingers. He nuzzles into the side of her face, his lips brushing against her ear.

"Let's go!"

Rick says, rushing the pair. Nellie pulls away, limping beside Carl. They both practically carry Rick, leaving the prison they formerly called home. Nellie's leg was causing her a great deal of pain, but she ignored it. She was dealing with more than physical pain as she cried quietly, the realization of her sweet, innocent little sister being gone. Eventually Carl's anger was evident, and He dragged Nellie far ahead of his father.

"Are you okay?"

He asks unemotionally, looking down at her leg as they walk.

"Fine. Just a graze. You?"

She replies, her tone flat. The pair were both convinced they had lost their sisters, so conversing wasnt the first thing on their mind. Carl waited a few moments to reply, thinking carefully about his words.

"My dad said he would keep her safe."

These words were different, his emotions seeping through the letters. Nellie looks up at him, but he looks ahead.

"And I was supposed to keep Daisy safe."

She mumbles tearfully, wiping her eyes.

"Slow down."

Rick's coarse voice mumbles. Nellie stops in place, waiting for Rick but Carl continues walking.


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