18. After.

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We buried them at the Hilltop. I guess you could say I turned off my listening ears when we did. I couldnt bear the sound of Maggie, Sasha and Rosita losing the men they loved. It gutted me. Maggie was sobbing for hours. I didnt really know how to help her, so I just got her some water and food. Carl seemed like he was avoiding me, and I couldn't take it. I wanna curl up into a ball and cry, alone, so that's what Im gonna do. I hide away in a drawing room I found, sitting in an oddly uncomfortable chair. I think over the events of my life. Losing my dad, my mom, Beth, Hershel, thinking I lost my baby sister, losing the prison, now losing Glenn and Abraham, and many other smaller things that still tugged at my heart. Tears quickly fall from my eyes, and I cover my mouth to muffle my sobs. I wish I could be okay again.


I jump up, turning around and wiping my face. Carl's standing in the doorway, his face drowsy.


I hiccup quietly, my lip quivering as I stare at him. His arms slowly lift up, offering me a hug. I immediately accept, running into his chest. He's almost a head taller than me now, so his chin rests on top of my head.

"I can't- I c- I can't keep losing p- people Carl.."

I sob, gripping his shirt between my fingers. I hear his cries as well, and his hands rub my back. I pull away from the hug, and look up at him. His cheek is stained from his cries, and his blue eye is glossy.

"I love you Carl. I never say it, I- I mean, we never say it, but it's true. And I dont know if Im ever gonna get the chance to say it aga-"

"I love you too Nell."

He interrupts me, leaning his head down to kiss my forehead. A pink blush flushes my cheeks, and I bury my face above Carl's collarbone. We sit like that for minutes, sobbing in eachother's arms.


sorry this was so short, there's a big chapter up ahead, and im working on it rn. 💕💕

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