24. I just wanted to help.

63 3 2

-𝘥𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘺'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷-

I heard him first. Calling for help in the woods. Carl had mentioned seeing a man, a man that seemed normal enough. Maybe it was him.

My mistake began when I climbed over the wall, hoisting myself onto the rigid metal. I had seen Enid climb over the wall a while ago, so I took the same route as her. Nellie would kill me if she saw me. I had a knife, that was good enough. I had killed dozens of the dead. Nellie had trained me, taught me the ins and outs of killing.

The leaves crunched beneath my shoes, and i felt regretful. Maybe I shouldnt be out here, maybe I should go back-


Wait. The man's voice repells off the trees, and I spin in a circle, trying to locate it's source. I stumble towards the sound, stomping over branches.


I hear it again, and see a man running from a few of the dead. He has long curly hair, and he looks panicked. I run forward, driving my knife into the tall walker's forehead. It falls, and both of the other ones tumble towards me. I start freaking out, backing away until I trip over a large log. The man kills one, the other tumbling on top of me. Holy shit. The walker snaps at my stomach and I try my best to push it off, but my young arms arent strong enough. It's teeth dig into my abdomen, but I stay silent. It hurts like nothing I've ever experienced. I should've stayed inside. Nellie's gonna kill me before I can die from my bite. Tears brim my eyes but I push my thoughts into the back of my mind. I kill the one on top of me, it's blood coating my stomach to cover my own blood.

People say your life flashes before you eyes when you die, but in this moment I went blank. My life was over. I was never gonna watch baby Jude grow up. She was atleast 2 now, and I wouldnt see her past that. I'd never get to see Carl and Nellie get together officially. I'd never see Alexandria grow. I'd never get to grow in the parental relationships I had gained. Im gonna miss out on the rest of my life for something stupid. A man in the woods.

To die in such a simple and cruel manner was something I'd never imagined for myself. I always thought I'd be shot, or eaten alive on the road. Not bit by one walker, in the woods, while saving a random guy.

I always knew I was gonna die at some point. I wasnt strong like Danielle, or Carl. I was too weak for this world. Too young, too innocent. It tore me apart from the inside out each day I was alive, but now I wouldnt have to worry about that. It was almost relieving that my stressful and exhausting life would be over soon, but I knew it was gonna hurt my family.

Before daddy died he asked Nellie to take care of me. And until now, she sacrificed everything to keep me safe and healthy. But here I was, about to die because of my own choices. Her more mature opinions and demands had lost control over me, and that was the cause of my death.

"You okay?"

The man interrupted my train of thoughts, offering me a hand to stand up. I use his help, brushing some dirt off my legs.

"Yeah. Are you?"

I look up at him, and he nods, staring at me blankly.

"Follow me."

I mutter, and the man reluctantly nods.

(i might cry, also im so sorry this is short i've been so busy😭😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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