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𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦'𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘷



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Alexandria. The name has a nice ring to it. Groups have never really been our thing, if you couldnt tell. Daisy was clung to my arm, quiet music playing at the small party. We got to shower! With HOT water! And I got to wear a dress for the first time in years! It was awesome. I had even met some new people, a few boys. Ron, and Mikey. Ron didnt really tickle my fancy, he even got on my nerves a bit. Mikey wasnt the most handsome, but he was sweet, and funny.

"Hey, Nell!"

Mikey says, walking up beside me. Carl and Ron were beside him, and Carl's face was a bit sour. I scrunch my nose up at the use of my nickname, Carl's the only one that calls me that.


I smile, it's sort of forced. Daisy lets go of my arm, running off to play with some other kids. Carl steps over to me, his arm plopping on my shoulders. I furrow my eyebrows, looking over at him.

"We were just about to play some cards, wanna join?"

Mikey asks, smiling at me. I look between the three boys, and nod my head. I pull away from Carl's arm, and I notice a change in his demeanor. Odd. We walk into a small room, sitting on the floor around a coffee table. Mikey passes out the cards, and we all start playing go fish.

"Any kings?"

I look up at Carl who's sitting to my left, and he smirks at me.

"Go fish."

I roll my eyes, a smirk growing on my face.

"So, how long have you two been dating?"

Mikey's question catches me off guard, and my cheeks turn bright red.

"What, uhm..We're not together, just friends, best friends."

I say quite bluntly, and Carl looks disappointed for a split second.

"Oh, cool."

Mikey says, chuckling quietly. His face is bright red as well, and he smiles at me. He scoots closer to me, and the idea makes me slightly uncomfortable. Mikey's cool but I dont see myself liking him like that. It's still Carl for me, it's always been Carl. So as a response to Mikey's forwardness, I use my body language. I scoot towards Carl. We keep playing, and I end up winning.


Ron says, chuckling. I giggle, looking over at Carl.

"She always wins, it's annoying."

Carl rolls his eyes, and I smile. I stand up, my dress riding up a bit. Ron and Mikey stare, but Carl looks away. Their eyes make me feel sick to my stomach. Teenage boys that cant control their hormones are like bears who havent eaten in months. Carl stands up beside me, and I realize how tall he truly is getting. He's gotta be atleast 5 inches taller than me now. I used to be taller.

𝘈 𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭.   《ᴄᴀʀʟ ɢʀɪᴍᴇs》Where stories live. Discover now