5. We'll be alright.

100 3 0

Carl and Nellie sit on the floor, making crosses out of small pieces of wood. They dont talk, the only sound being the hammer pressing against the nails. They were both staying away from their sisters for fear of getting them sick.

Carol slowly walks up behind them, and Nellie turns to look up at her.

"Do you know if Patrick was catholic?"

Nellie asks, holding up one of the crosses. Carol shakes her head slightly, leaning on one of the metal eating tables. Carl finally looks up at her.

"He said he was a practicing atheist."

Carol mumbles. Carl takes the cross from Nellie, breaking it apart gently.

"Did you tell your dad what you saw in the library yesterday?"

Carol asks. Nellie looks back in front of her, listening to Carl's reply.


He says, cleaning up some of the scraps around him.

"You going to tell him?"

Carol asks. She seems antsy, like she's hoping he'll say no. Carl pauses his movements, and sighs.

"I have to keep teaching those kids to survive. You both know that."

She brings Nellie into it, and Nellie looks back at her.

"Did you tell their parents?"

Nellie practically steals the words out of Carl's mouth.


Carol shakes her head.

"Are you gonna tell 'em?"

Carl says sassily.

"If I do, maybe after this they'll understand. But maybe they wont, and I dont wanna take that risk."

Carol mutters.

"That's between, you and them."

Carl sighs again, continuing to clean up his area.

"No, it's between us three. If one of you two or both of you tell Rick, he'll tell them. And like I said, maybe they'll understand maybe they wont-"

"I dont wanna lie to my dad."

Carl interrupts. Nellie looks over at him, nodding her head.

"I dont wanna lie to him either. He's the reason Im alive, I cant lie to him."

Nellie looks up at Carol, her face sympathetic.

"I never said you have to lie. Im just asking you not to say anything."

They both stare at her, sighing in unison. They continue to clean up, and Carol leaves them alone again.

"What do you think I should do? You're smarter than I am, I trust your judgment better than my own."

Carl whispers, sitting in a seat at the small metal table. Nellie hops up on the table, sitting on the table beside him.

"I think you should tell your dad. I'd rather have Carol mad at me than Rick mad at me."

He chuckles quietly at her words, looking at her sunburnt nose.

"I think I will. But I wanna tell him alone."

He mumbles, looking away as his cheeks turn a light pink.

"Okay. I'll be waiting here."

She smiles, and he smiles back. The boy gets up, leaving her alone at the table.

---------------several minutes later------------------

"Nell! Nellie!!"

Carl says, running into the room he had left her in. She jumps up from her seat, slightly startled.

"Gosh what! You scared me!"

She laughs quietly, watching him run up to her.

"He gave me my gun back."

He whispers, showing her his pistol. She smiles brightly, punching his arm.

"Awesome dude."

Carl chuckles, nodding his head.

(sorry this chapter was so short, i just didnt wanna include the next part in it😋)

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