23. Sleepless night.

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I limp beside me and my sister's bed, my leg still being a pain in the ass

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I limp beside me and my sister's bed, my leg still being a pain in the ass. Daisy's laid in the bed, pretending to be asleep, avoiding me. Doesnt feel great.

I slowly climb under the covers, being careful to avoid pressuring my injury. The lights are out, and it's peaceful, but my eyes refuse to close. Behind them my mind is racing. Thinking about what I had said to Daisy, thinking about the Saviors, everything. I lay on my back, my eyes moving around the ceiling.

"Hey Ladybug Im sorry about what I said. I didnt mean it. I was just high strung, and a lot had happened..Im sorry Dais."

I whisper, turning over to face her. She remains still, but I hear her sigh.

"It's okay. Im sorry for telling you to not call me Ladybug."

She replies quietly, her voice brittle. I reach over, my hand running through her long blonde hair. She slowly flips over, looking up at me with her big blue eyes.

"Dont apologize for that. I deserved it. You can call Rick and Michonne whatever you want. I love them too."

I say honestly, and her frown turns into a smile.


She giggles quietly and I chuckle, pulling her shoulders into a hug. She buries into my side, and I run my fingers through her soft hair.

"I love you Ladybug."

"I love you too Sissy."

After a few minutes she falls asleep, and I move her so her body is beside mine instead of on top of me. I go back to my thinking, glad that me and Daisy were on good terms again. But Im pulled away from my thoughts when I hear a quiet knock on the door. I silently hop out of bed, tip toeing over to the door. The door creaks open, and I squint my eyes in the dark. It's Carl, his eye tired and his body language defeated.

"Sorry if I woke you up-"

I immediately assume he was having the same problem as me.

"You didnt. I cant sleep either."

I interrupt him, and he scratches the back of his neck.

"Can I come in..?"

He whispers, and I nod my head. We both walk into my room, and I lay down on my bed, Carl following. I was between him and Daisy, squished, but I didnt mind.

"What are you thinking about?"

Carl interrupts my mental conversation and I sigh.

"Im really worried. I know we're strong, and I know we can beat the Saviors, but Im still just..so worried. Worried about Dais, Jude, you, Chonnie, Rick, everyone, you know?"

I ramble a bit, and he nods his head in agreement.

"Me too."

He responds, and I nod my head.

"I apologized to Dais. We're good now."

I mumble, and he looks over at me. I had told him what I said to her earlier, having rambled in his ear about it for an hour. His hat isnt on his head like it usually is, and his hair's covering half his face. He desperately needs a haircut.

"That's really mature Nell, Im proud of you."

He whispers, smirking over at me. I elbow him and he grunts.

"Shut up. Im being serious. I told her she could call them whatever she wants."

He smiles over at me this time, genuinely.

"Cool. I actually am proud of you."

He chuckles as he speaks truthfully, and I smile.

"Im proud of you too. I think we're both growing up."

I look up at the ceiling, and I can feel Carl looking at me.

"We've been adults since we were 13 Nell, face it."

He laughs quietly, and I join in.


A couple minutes of silence pass by, and Carl looks over at me.

"Im really worried about my dad."

He seems emotional, which is rare for Carl. I look at him, reaching over to cup his cheek.

"Me too."

He scoots closer to me, and I wrap my arms around his shoulders. He hugs me, his face brushing the white fabric of my shirt. I rest my chin on the top of his head, scratching his back.

"It's okay Carl."

I scratch his back for a couple minutes, until I hear quiet snores sounding from him. He's fast asleep.

For a couple moments I feel tired, like I might actually fall asleep, but a knock on the doorframe wakes me up. I look over and see Michonne, a small smile on her face. Her lips and eyes are still busted up, but she looks better.


She whispers, walking over. She sees Carl and Daisy, but her eyes focus on me.


I whisper back, looking up at her. She stands by my bed, eventually lowering herself to sit on the edge. She chuckles at Carl's childish position.

"He's not supposed to be in here y'know."

She smirks at me and I roll my eyes, smiling.

"He couldn't sleep, so I put him to sleep."

She laughs quietly at my words, and I smile down at Carl.

"You're always taking care of other people baby, you should sleep too."

Her hand comes up to caress my face, and I lean into it.

"Daisy wants to start calling you mom, and Rick dad."

I say with a smile, and it almost looks like she might tear up.

"God, really?"

I nod and she looks over at Daisy.

"You aren't gonna be callin' Rick dad I assume."

I chuckle at this, and we sit in silence for a moment. She stares over at Daisy.

"That girl is so sweet. I dont know what I'd do without her reminding me how much she loves us all the time."

She smiles and I do too.

"Sometimes she's a little too sweet. She thought Negan was nice one of the last times they were in the walls."

Michonne sighs, her smile fading as she listens to me.

"You know she just sees the good in people. It's something not many people can do-"

"Chonnie you know that's bull. It's gonna get her hurt."

I reply, looking over at her. I forgot Carl was laying on me, so I smile when I look down at him.

"Not as long as she has you."

I giggle quietly and nod my head.

"Get some sleep sweet girl, I love you."

"I love you too."

I whisper, shutting my eyes. I can almost hear her smile as she stands up, and I drift off to sleep.

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