9. Pain, sweet pain.

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TW: sexual assault. skip this part if it makes you uncomfortable. love you 🫶

"First we're gonna have the girl, and we're gonna make you watch every second. Then we're gonna have the boy."

The man's words are sly, his voice is simply disgusting. Another man holds Nellie down, her small frame unable to break from his grasp.

"Please, NO!!"

Nellie screams out, her cries filling the humid air. She writhes beneath the creepy man's touch, his hands roaming around her young body. She shivers, kicking and punching wherever she can. She looks to her left, seeing Carl in a similar situation. They hold eye contact, both of their eyes filled with compassion. The man's hands grasp Nellie's legs, seperating them forcefully. Nellie cries out loudly, shutting her eyes tightly. He fiddles with his buckle, pulling his jeans down. Nellie wails, pushing against him with all her might. He leans down, his lips brushing her ear.

"The more you squirm the longer it'll last."

His words fan her ear, and she whimpers. He runs his fingers down her sides, and starts attempting to unbutton her jeans.

"Let them be."

Rick says, his voice coarse. Nellie and Carl cry and scream, turning their attention to the fight going on between Rick and the man. A headbutt, a punch to the face, and..Rick bites his throat out. Michonne steals the gun from the shocked man in front of her, shooting through his jaw. The man still holds Nellie, lifting her off the ground and holding her with a knife to her throat, her pants still unbuttoned. She whimpers, leaning her head backwards. Daryl overpowers the man that had been beating him, kicking his skull in. Michonne shoots the man that was holding Nellie between the eyes, and his body drops to the floor. Nellie sobs, tumbling into Michonne's body. Michonne catches her as the other man releases Carl, Nellie grabbing his arm. Michonne hugs both of them, and their cries quiet. Nellie quickly buttons her pants again, her hands shaking intensely.

"He's mine."

Rick's deep voice mutters, approaching the surrendering pedophile. Rick stabs him in the throat, blood gushing down his body. Carl and Nellie watch, their eyes dark.

"It's okay..I've got you."

Michonne whispers, kissing the tops of both of their heads softly.

"Come on.."

Michonne mumbles, standing up and pulling the pair towards the vehicle they were previously sleeping in. They all climb inside, Nellie sitting in the middle. Her head slowly falls onto Carl's shoulder, and he immediately plants his on top of it. They sit there for a bit, Carl eventually falling asleep. Nellie reaches her hand over, intertwining it with Michonne's.

"Thank you Chonnie."

She whispers, looking up at Michonne with tearful eyes.

"I love you Nellie."

Michonne says, planting a gentle kiss on her temple. Nellie squeezes her hand, closing her eyes slowly.

"I love you too Chonnie."

She mumbles, her words barely at a high enough volume for Michonne to hear. Nellie falls asleep just like that, her head on Carl's shoulder and her hand intertwined with Michonne's.

(ik this part was short, but i am so extremely disgusted by this scene, and this is all i could bring myself to write. i am extremely sorry to anybody who has experienced anything like this. i love you, and care for you. you are enough my love, and you did not deserve what happened. i love you all. xoxo)

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