15. Mom and Dad?

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I tiptoe through the hall, the wooden floor creaking beneath my socks

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I tiptoe through the hall, the wooden floor creaking beneath my socks. I turn the corner, and twist Carl's doorknob slowly, opening his door. I close it behind me, turning around to see him reading a comic in his bed. He smirks up at me, sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"Finally, I've been waiting forever."

I walk over, climbing on the bed beside him. My face is grim, but I force a small smile at his joke.

"Hey, you okay?"

He asks, looking down at me with his one blue eye.

"Yeah, fine."

I sigh quietly, avoiding his eye contact. I expect him to barade me, butting into my emotional state, but he doesnt. He just sits there, silent. His arm falls onto my shoulders, his finger rubbing over the sleeve of my shirt. I feel..good. I hate it when people think they're gonna make me better by forcing me to talk about it. Carl's the kind of person that I want to talk to.

"I wish guys were different. Those guys on the road that did that stuff to us, and now Mikey. Their hands are just..Ugh."

I shiver, my face disgusted at the memories of where there hands had been. Roaming around mine and Carl's bodies, crossing lines and breaking us in the process. Carl's hand removes from my shoulders.

"Do I touch you too much?"

Carl questions, and I chuckle.

"Gosh no Carl. I trust you, you can touch me wherever."

It comes out more suggestive than I meant, and Carl chuckles.

"I didnt mean it like that assface. Well, maybe."

I joke. His face turns bright red, and I laugh at him. My hand taps his knee as I laugh, and he rolls his eye. I stop laughing, a smile still on my face. Carl's the only person that can make me go from being on the vergo of tears, to laughing myself to death. We stare at eachother for a moment, and for the 4th time we kiss. I cup his cheeks, my body slowly drifting closer to his. One of his hands tangles in my hair, the other on my shoulder. I move fully onto the bed, kneeling awkwardly beside him. The hand that was on my shoulder moves down to my thigh, and he pulls me towards him. I dont really know what to do, so I let him lead me. My thighs land on each side of his, and I practically sit on his lap. I kiss him with a bit more aggression, my hands running through his hair. I tug, and he does something I didnt expect. He moans, because of me, against my lips. So I tug his hair again, and scoot up so our torsos are closer. His hands gently touch my lower back, and I can feel his hesitation radiating off his arms.

"It's okay.."

I whisper on his lips, my teeth grazing his bottom lip as I kiss him again. He pulls away slightly looking into my eyes. He's searching for honesty, assurance.

"Im okay, I trust you."

I say quietly. His face looks relieved as he kisses me again, his hands moving down to the end of my thighs and the beginning of my ass. We continue to makeout for a bit, until I hear a noise. I pull away, my chest moving up and down.

"Wait, wait stop.."

I mumble, listening for any other noise.

"What? Did I do something? Im sorry Ne-"

I cover his mouth with my hand, looking towards his door.

"Get your gun."

He furrows his brow, but listens as I climb off of him. He grabs his gun, and I grab one of his hunting knives.

"I heard som-"

Im interrupted by a loud creak on the steps by his room. I point out there, and Carl steps in front of me, his gun in his hands. He silently opens the door, walking out with his gun drawn, finger on the trigger. I follow, the knife ready in my right hand. There's a man sitting on the steps, a beanie on his head, long hair underneath it. Me and Carl silently walk up behind him, and Carl points his gun at the back of the man's head.

"What the hell are you doing in our house?"

Carl says through gritted teeth, I can tell he's trying to make his voice deeper.

"Im..sitting on these steps, looking at this painting, waiting for your mom and dad to get dressed. Hi, Im Jesus."

Okay first of all, who the hell calls themself Jesus, and second of all, mom and dad? What the fuck?

"Carl, Nellie.."

Me and Carl turn around when we hear footsteps behind us and Rick's voice, and I see something I never thought I would see. Rick's shirtless, Michonne's flustered. No fucking way. My jaw drops, and Carl elbows me. I fix my face, and look between Rick and Michonne.

"You owe me one of your candy bars."

I whisper to Carl, still staring at Michonne.

"I thought that bet was a joke!"

He defends, glaring at me.

Daryl, Glenn and Abraham walk up the stairs, weapons ready.

"Uh, it's okay.."

Michonne says.

"You said we should talk, so let's talk."

Rick mumbles, putting his shirt on. Carl looks to me, and backs away slightly.

"Wait, why were you two both up at the same time?"

Michonne says suspiciously, looking over at me.


Carl starts to reply, but I elbow his stomach.

"You cant seriously get us in trouble after y'all just-"

"Okay! You're off the hook!"

Michonne shuts me up, and me and Carl smirk at eachother.

"You two go back to bed, we'll figure this out."

Rick says. Me and Carl walk away, and I sneakily try to walk into his room behind him.


Rick says loudly, and I sigh. I turn around, and walk into my shared bedroom, lying down on the bed with Daisy.

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