14. Happy, sure.

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"Uhm, Im really no good at pool

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"Uhm, Im really no good at pool."

I mumble, whiffing the pool ball. Mikey chuckles, and Carl stares him down. He had asked us to play pool, and we were sorta forced to agree by Rick. Mikey takes his shot, knocking a solid 6 ball in. He looks over to Carl, nodding towards the door.

"Why dont you go grab us some snacks and some comics from my room, Im tired of pool."

Mikey says. Carl looks reluctant, and he looks over at me. I nod my head, telling him it's okay, and he walks out of the garage. As soon as he leaves, Mikey walks over.

"I thought he'd never leave."

He whispers in my ear, that familiar creepiness sending a shiver down my spine. His hand touches my hip, trailing up my stomach. My brain's telling my body to move, to punch him in the face, but Im frozen. I cant move.

"Mikey stop."

I whisper, tears coating my green eyes. I want Carl. I want to throw Mikey over the fucking walls and let him get eaten by the rotters.

"That's not what you want, is it?"

Mikey mutters, his hand moving underneath my shirt. Feels like he heard my thoughts. His fingers traces up my stomach, his freezing palm gripping my breast through my bra.

"I said stop."

I say more sternly, gaining a bit of my composure. His other hand reaches to go beneath my belt, but I grab the hand that's underneath my shirt, finally gaining back control of my body. I twist his arm around his back, pressing it into him to put pressure on his shoulder. I let out a breath of relief, using my free hand to fix my shirt.

"Ah shit! Stop!"

He says, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Oh! You're telling me to stop?! That's fucking ironic!"

I say, my tone loud and annoyed. He groans, and Carl steps into the garage. I let go of Mikey, pushing him away from me.

"She's crazy Carl! You left and she just attacked me!"

Mikey yells with full confidence, and I scoff. My cheeks are stained with the remnants of the situation just before.

"You dick! You know that's not true! You're too much of a pussy to admit you're a virgin who only gets action by sexually assaulting people!"

I yell back, and before I know it Carl punches Mikey in the face, without even knowing the full story. I appreciate the back up, but I pull Carl off of him.

"We're leaving."

I say through clenched teeth. Carl glares at Mikey behind me, and I push his chest.

"Go, come on."

𝘈 𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭.   《ᴄᴀʀʟ ɢʀɪᴍᴇs》Where stories live. Discover now