19. Half your shit.

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Gunshot. I jump up from my seat in Jude's room, turning to Daisy.

"Watch Judy, I'll be back. Dont open the door unless it's me."

I knew Carl was fucking lying. That dick said he'd be back, but he took his gun. I run out of the house, towards the sourse of the shot. I stumble into the infirmary, seeing Carl with two other men. Carl had them at gunpoint, his hat discarded.

"Put some back, or the next one goes in you."

Carl says sternly, his voice forcefully deep. One of the men chuckles, and I hear footsteps behind us.

"Kid, what do you think happens next?"

"You die."

Carl interrupts him, and I shake my head.

"Damnit Carl put the gun down, dont be stupid."

I barade him, reaching out to grab the gun but he pulls his arms away. Rick walks up beside me, staring at Carl in disbelief.

"Carl, Carl, put it down.."

Rick pleads, his voice brittle. Carl looks over at us both, his gaze irritated.

"No. He's taking all of our medicine! They said only half our shit."

Carl's voice raises, Negan stepping on my other side facing Carl.

"Offf course..Ho hooo really kid?"

Negan cooes, a smirk on his face. He lives off of this.

"Now you should go, before you find out how dangerous we all are."

Carl mumbles, his breath slowing.

"Carl just shut up."

I whisper, my teeth clenched.

"Well pardon me young man, excuse the shit out of my god damn french, but did you just threaten me?"

Negan mumbles, and I glare at Carl. He's being a dumbass.

"Look, I get threatening Davy here, but I cant have it. Not him, not me-"

"Just put it down-"

Rick interupts, but Negan quickly shuts him down.

"Dont be rude Rick, we're havin' a conversation here."

Carl glares at him, his stupid head tilted. I glare at his face, debating punching it.

"Now boy, where were we? Oh yeah! Your giant man sized balls!"

I cringe at Negan's words, searching for anything to save us from this predicament.

"No threatening us. Listen I like you, so I dont wanna go hard proving a point here, you dont want that. I said half your shit, and half is what I say it is. Im serious. Do you want me to prove how serious, again? I'll take ya girlfriend's eye out, that way you guys can match."

I look over to Negan when he brings me into it, but look back at Carl when I hear him sigh. He lowers the gun, handing it over to Rick. I push Carl's chest, towards the door.

"What the hell were you thinking! You're gonna get somebody killed acting like that!"

I angrily speak to him, pushing his chest again.

"Nobody died Nellie, dont be dramatic."

He speaks, his words causing my blood to boil.

"Ho ho! That's rich! That back there was the definition of dramatic!"

I mother him, placing my hands on my hips.

"Nell dad's already gonna yell at me for it, I dont wanna hear it from you too."

He says firmly, stepping closer to me. He's intimidating like this.

"Alright fine. But dont do anything like that again dumbass."

I push past him, out of the infirmary and back towards our house.

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