22. All out war.

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A loud growl erupts from behind me, and I feel the presence of the gun behind me disappear. I twist around and see something I never thought I would see. The man who was about to kill me was being eaten alive by Shiva. My body shakes, and I turn when I hear a voice. Gun shots ring into my ears.


Carol, Ezekiel, people from the Kingdom, people from the Hilltop. Maggie, Enid, everyone. Shooting, protecting us, protecting our home. They yelled out things I couldnt make out, and I tumbled over to the man Shiva had killed. I pick up his gun, immediately readying it in front of my shoulder. I aim and shoot for a man who was running, hitting his calf, and then the back of his head. I shot and shot, and before I knew it they were retreating, and Carl was following me towards the cowards. My gun was already low on ammo, and my leg was stinging. I was familiar with pain, enough so to teach myself how to ignore it.

My gun beat against my shoulder as I pressed the trigger, killing 4 more of the enemy's men and women. They were fleeing like a bunch of pussies. Smoke arose in the area, and I let out a few coughs as the scent filled my nose. I ended up behind Rick, fumbling behind some vehicles with him and a few others.

"Thay're falling back!"

Rick announces, and Maggie rambles to her people, telling them where to go. We each hold weapons. Pretty impressive looking bunch I'd say.


Ezekiel says, his voice proud and enthusiastic. I look over at Carl, holding eye contact for a moment. We speak a thousand words, just through our eyes.

We all run off as a group, but I stop when I see something in the corner of my eye. It's Michonne, and she's getting beat on by another woman in the frontyard of our house. Gosh she cant catch a break. She must have came outside to try and help, but she was already beaten halfway to death. I run in her direction, tossing my gun to the side. Im fuming. My body is taken over by the bubbling anger in my head, and I tackle the woman off of Chonnie's body.


I grumble, sending a punch into the lady's nose. She yelps and I send another, connecting with her jaw. Over and over, my fist lands against her face, and I ignore the aching pain that shoots up my wrist each time I land a punch. She writhes beneath me, but my legs trap her against the grass. Blood trickles down her jawline, spilling out of her mouth and nose. I grunt as I keep hitting her, but I stop when I hear a quiet voice behind me.

"Sissy? It's okay..."

I turn around to see my baby sister holding onto Michonne. I snatch her arm, helping Michonne back into the house. I lay Michonne on the couch, sitting by her side.

"It's gonna be okay Chonnie. Rick's gonna be here soon and so is Carl. It's okay.."

I wipe some blood off her cheek, her eye swollen shut. She nods weakly, and I place a bloody kiss on her forehead.

I walk into the room Judith and Daisy were holed up in, and I glare at my sister.

"Ladybug you were supposed to stay in here."

I say firmly. I wasnt angry at her, well maybe I was just a bit.

"Nellie, I saw mom out there getting beat up. I was gonna help but you got there first. And I was worried about you, and dad.."

I freeze when the words leave her lips. Mom and dad. She was talking about Michonne and Rick.

"Michonne isnt your mom, and Rick isnt your dad, okay? And that wasnt your responsibility. I told you, to stay in this room. No matter what, Ladybug."

I grumble at her, and she narrows her eyes at me. Tears fill her blue eyes, and she sniffles quietly.

"Michonne is my mom, and Rick is my dad. I dont care if you're afraid, and I dont care what you think. Now get out, and dont call me that, Im not your Ladybug anymore."

She pushes my arms, and I stumble back slightly. She does it again, but I stand my ground firmly.

"Give me Judith."

I say, looking down at her.


She looks up at me.

"Daisy, now."

I demand. She sighs angrily, stomping over to Judith. She picks her up and hands her over, and I take her out of the room. I hear Daisy slam the door, and I roll my eyes.

Of course she was being dramatic. Her whole world almost ended today, but it didnt because of people who care. She should be grateful she has a sister, not trying to argue with her sister.

She's only a kid. 11 maybe. How could she understand anything, growing up in a world of the dead without parents.

I decided to rest my mind, walking into the living room where Chonnie was laid. She slowly turned her head to look at me, her face bloody.

I sit on the ground in front of her, and Judith lays against my chest. Michonne's hand slowly moves over to me, moving some of my greasy hair out of my face.

"How are you feeling?"

I ask her.

"Okay. How about you?"

She whispers, pointing at the bloody flannel wrapped around my thigh.

"I feel fine, but lets see how it looks."

I set Judith beside me, and slowly unwrap the flannel. It pulls off my leg, and I move my pants to see the damage done to my leg. It's a pretty big gash, but I dont think it'll need stitches. Nowadays only the really bad stuff gets stitches. It hurts, but some of the pain had subsided. I cover it back up with the flannel, but not before ripping one of the sleeves off. Carl wouldn't care, not when he found out the reasoning behind it.

I dab it over Chonne's face, and she smiles weakly at me.

"You're so good Nellie."

I chuckle quietly as she speaks, and smile back at her.

"You too Chonnie."

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