Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Daisy POV

Colton has become a visitor at my house, as she sat around my table with only her shirt on and a platter of frozen pizzas in front of her. I couldn't believe I hadn't raced out of the house and screamed bloody murder because someone as attractive as her was in my home. It seemed exceedingly implausible that someone, maybe a murderer, would pose as my character.

I have my laptop and book while I delve more into her persona. How did she come about? That's a question I shouldn't even ask, because all of this was a ruse. All of this was not genuine. A character could never come to life.

"When I meet Beth tomorrow, I'm going to strangle her...hey!" I yelled after the attractive woman who was consuming a slice of pizza at my four-person dining table.

"You'd best find somewhere to fucking go once you finish that pizza."

"Where?" Her eyes, which were extraordinarily blue, met mine. She was really beautiful. She resembles exactly how I envisaged my character. However, I was wondering about something far deeper and terrible. Did she...? Nah! Because I doubt Beth would go so far. I doubt she even has a dick, let alone a pierced one.


"Yes, baby girl."

Her voice is very sexy. So sexy. So deep. As a result, the space between my legs became damp.

"I like to be addressed by my name. Which is Daisy."

"Like a gorgeous blossom." With a sly smile on her face, she leaned back in the chair and sucked her long fingers off. Perhaps it was the lustful look she gave me, but her finger sucking was rather alluring.

"I'll phone Beth, and see if she answers. She behaves as if she's better than everyone, especially after she acquired the sign—" I realized I was ranting to someone who knows the adversary, which may result in my cancellation, as well as cameras being pointed at me. This could be a freaking TV show. I grasped for my hair and looked around nervously. I did not look well enough to appear on a television show.

"Are you okay, baby girl?"

"It's Daisy."

"I can sleep on the sofa next to you."

My face flushed; she has a strong likeness in motion to the Colton in my novel. "Don't you have a girlfriend or something?"

"No. Single and ready to mingle."

"Ew, cheesy." I mumbled.


"It would be a lot better if I slept with you." Colton offered, but she accepted the blanket and pillow I handed her.

"You'd best accept what you get. You're lucky I didn't toss you out for invading into my home."

"Why would you kick away your work?"

"You are a trick, a joke, or a stunt that Bethany pulls off, and tomorrow at book club, I am going to give her a piece of my fist, accompanied by you?" I threatened, but she laughed.

"You are such a firecracker." She giggled as she put the blanket over the sofa. She started pulling her trousers, and I hastily hid my eyes.

"Why are you hiding? Everything could be yours."

"Eww." I murmured. I carefully lifted my hand from my face; she was now standing in her boxers. I couldn't produce a printout since the boxers weren't tight.

"Don't be dull, Daisy, and join me on the couch?"


"You said that word a lot."

"Go to sleep, and I'll bring you to Beth tomorrow."

"Why? I don't know a Beth."

"You will." I growled.

Colton: An Intersex Short StorryWhere stories live. Discover now