Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Daisy POV

I startled when something brushed across my foot, then exhaled satisfaction when I realized it was Betty. She goes towards her empty dish, and I immediately feel horrible for not feeding her before I left; I was so excited to confront her that I forgot I even had a cat.

"I know I'm an evil master to you?" I said. I kicked my heels to the side and headed into the kitchen, where I kept her cat food.

I poured only a bit into her dish. I noticed she had some water. She sat at the dish, starring at it, peering up at me. She meowed in displeasure at being given more.

"You're obese and disgusting. So no more."

She meows again. I glared. "Don't get clever with me, lady; I know I'm gaining weight, but it's for the best."


"I'll go to the gym, but not now."

I was so preoccupied with arguing with the cat that I either ignored or forgot to notice Colton standing behind me.

"Do you talk to your cat often?"

I screamed. I could scratch my head in perplexity if I wasn't so terrified and enraged at the same moment. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I wish Betty could bark instead of meow. She cannot Meow any intruder away.

I went into the kitchen, hastily dragging the drawer out and searching for a knife. When my palm touched one, I aimed it at her as I gently moved around the little island and back into the living room, where she was standing. She arched her heavy, dark brow as she glanced at the weapon. She crossed her arms across her chest and sneered. She expresses how afraid she wasn't of me.

"What will you do with that?" She questioned, pointing to the knife.

"I'm going to cut you?"

"Cut me?" Her head slanted in a weird way. "Cut me with a spoon." She snorted, her lips firmly folded, attempting not to laugh.

"What!" I exclaimed as I realized it was a spoon. My eyes expand. I swear, on my fat cat and sad life, that I had picked up a blasted knife. I threw the spoon at her, and it landed square on her forehead.

"Ouch!" She shrieked, and I had a sense of a rerun happening.

"Sorry." I apologized sheepishly as I was going to approach her to check her, but I paused. She was an invader in my house; instead of apologizing and caring, I should have gone for the knife and cut her.

"I know Beth brought you here; which hole did you crawl from?"

"I came from your book, babygirl, and for the final time, I'm not sure who Beth is."

My eyes squinted as I considered the overall issue. Let's just say Beth had nothing to do with it. Then, who was it? "Colton, you can't just crawl out of a book." Is Colton even her real name?

"Miracles occurred."

"How did you crawl out of my book? A tiny book," I motioned at her full towering form. She shrugged.

"Mi-ra-cles." She spoke the words in fragmented syllables. I scoffed. "Let's assume you crawled out of the book. You have to be from someplace, and someone has to know you."

"Yes, the other characters from the novel, of course."

"Mhmm. You are full of shit, and I want you out of my stupid house. Now!"

"Where shall I go, baby girl?"

"Your actual residence."

"Why don't you accept that I came from the book?"

"Does this appear like a cartoon series, where characters spring out books and do stupid things?"

"I came from the book."

I rolled my eyes; she was wearing my nerves like a tight, constricting garment. I started to push her. "What're you doing?"

"What does it seem like I'm doing? I'm shoving you out of my stupid house, and I want you to go." I continued pushing her till we reached the door.

"I swear this is real."

"I don't care. Stay out." I opened the door and pushed her out. I hurriedly slammed it closed and locked it. I had just drawn the curtains and was about to leave for the door when I heard her crying and knocking. I moaned, spinning on my heels and doing something I knew I shouldn't: fostering the invader back in.

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