Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Daisy POV

I awoke to find my book back on the sofa, on top of the blanket. I took a big stride toward the sofa, hoping to stretch before embarking on my long, tiresome trek. Today is the day I strive to modify my bad habits and get back on track with my life. I flicked the book to the next page, only to discover that a few additional chapters had been penned.

It was just how I expected. Everything I said and did to her last night was documented in detail; it was simply done in a different location. Was I writing without realizing it?

She was nowhere to be found. She's left again.

All of this must be a product of my mind or the mere playfulness of someone, most likely Beth.

I walked till my feet took me to the park. Jerry and Nathan are among the numerous folks who were exercising. I was expecting to sneak away, but Nathan saw me and beckoned me over. I grumbled as I stepped over to where the swing and monkey bars were. Nathan executed several sets of pull-ups before jumping down. Even though the couples were drenched, they did the grossest thing: they hugged each other. It couldn't get much more homosexual than that.


"Morning." I murmured, looking up at the sun.

"I just want to say, that bitchy move what you did last night was uncalled for." Jerry said.


"Beth said you hit her, but she won't pursue any charges—"

"Beth said what? I didn't hit her. I should have." I argued. "She made some jokes on me." I whined, as if they were going to help me.

"Beth. The woman who donated almost a hundred thousand dollars to Mr. Keith's book club, is playing some pranks on you."

"I know. It's hard to believe."

"I notice you're wearing your walk trousers," Nathan said.


"Wear your size."

"I am."

"Look at it, it appears you were shoving yourself into the poor, leggings." He pointed to the side, and to behold, the side ripped off, revealing my huge thighs.

I feel disgusted with myself even more.

"It was already torn." I lied, and I ran my palm over it to hide my shameful fat.

"Yea right." Jerry sneered. "The offer for the gym remains valid."

"You know what? Fuck you and your gym. I can lose weight without your stupid gym!" I scoffed.

"Calm down, Darling." Jerry remarked, gazing at me as if he hadn't pushed my buttons too much. "We're just telling you stuff that will assist you. We wouldn't want to know if you had a heart attack as a result of all the burgers you've been consuming."

"And you need to patch your enormous ass hole." I forcefully retaliated.

"For your knowledge, my ass is really tight. Right, Nathan."

Nathan hesitated to respond. He elbows him. "Right, Nathan?"

"Mhmm, sure. Totally tight?"

I rolled my eyes. "That's why no one is signing your books; they know how much of an angry bird you are. Who would really want to work with a firecracker?"

Hmm...That's what Colt said. Did they put her up to this...

"Whatever. "See you at book club tonight." I mumbled.

"I don't want to bust your bubble, but Mr. Keith stated he could boot you out of the club."

"What?" I shouted. That book club was my entire existence. I simply knew that one day, a publisher will want to work with me. I simply need a little more patience.

"You haven't heard from us." Jerry spoke, and Nathan nodded. "He's had it up to here with you." He motioned with his hand.

"I've had it up to here with you guys." I snapped. "I'll meet Mr. Keith tonight and ask him, fuckers!" 

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