Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Daisy POV

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I stood there yelling. The fat cat ran from my arms, rushed out the door, and went who knows where. My screams persisted.

The woman remained there, unaffected by my screams, and although I seem like a fool, I also feel like one. Why was I yelling at a woman who was simply standing there, staring? No weapons.

"Who the heck are you? I am calling the cops!" I barked while still standing there. I'm sure I was meant to sprint back down the stairs, trip over something, and hurriedly ring the police number.

"How did you get inside my house?

Now that I recall, I didn't see any shattered glass or come across an open door.

Everything was intact. Did she just spawn her way into my freaking home?

"Who are you?"

"I'm not sure, but I guess my name is Colton, which is short for Colt."

My brow wrinkled; yeah, I've heard that name before. "Where did you come from!?"

Her gaze fell on my desk, which still held the spilled tea; a couple of ants swirled about the sticky liquid. I should tidy it up. If Colton hadn't killed me. Her gaze remained fixed on my notebook.

"What about my notebook? Did that little bitch persuade you to come steal my book!" I snarled as I ran to my notepad, clutching it to my wildly beating breast.


"You know who! "That little bitch, Beth."

"Who is Beth?"

"Wait! Beth didn't send you!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I started screaming again. She stood there. My screams came to an abrupt end. "Who sent you to take my work?"

"I am your work." Her deep voice responded.

"What!" By the second, I was becoming increasingly bewildered and sacred.

"6'3 female with dick and dark hair, with the most beautiful eyes that put the sky to shame." She mumbled.

Did she say "Female with a dick?"

"I swear to God, I'm going to call the cops." I said, "Look at the well-built woman before me."

"Look at the book." She points to the firmly held book. I didn't want to look away from her, but I needed to see what she was attempting to prove.

My eyes quickly scanned her before I removed the book from my chest and placed it in front of my gaze.

It reads...

Colton Delaware

CEO Of Refinery Oil


Dark, short hair hung just over her well-chiseled jawline.

Bluest eyes, putting the ocean and sky to shame.

An eagle tattoo is on her right hip. The only tattoos. She acquired it when she was younger, and her biggest regret

Have a 9-inch cock with several piercings that bring nothing but pleasure when entered.

Wear just black suits. Nothing just a black suit. And she wears grey sweatpants at home, exposing her cock.

Have a little cloud-shaped birthmark on her rib cage.

I gazed up at her; she meets the description. But this does not necessarily imply that it was her. "I know Bath set you up for this."

"Do you want proof?"

"Yes, I mean no. Get out of my house!"

"I am your work; how can I leave, babygirl?" She grinned. When I looked back down at the book, my face scrunched up. She loves to flirt.

"Don't flirt with me; I'm not your..."

"I'm not your girlfriend." She spoke before I could finish. Beth, pay her handsomely to play my characters. I glanced up at her fancy black suit. "Lift your shirt." I glared.

She smirked again.

I was confronted with the eagle tattoo as she undid the buttons on her black suit and raised her shirt. Beth really went all out on this, and when I see her tomorrow, I'll make sure to tell her how much of a fantastic job she did, but if she didn't stop, my hands would be bloodied.

I motioned for her to push the top up farther. There was no way she could find someone with that precise birthmark. As the shirt pulls up, my lips hangs down. The pale fading birthmark was right there. I found myself pushing through my anxiety of her being an invader in my home and approaching her.

My finger passed over the mark. It was genuine. There was no makeup, no tattoos. However, this is a genuine birthmark. She was genuine.

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