Chapter 2

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Note: Remember to read the warning!

Chapter 2

Daisy POV

Strolling down the main street, I extracted the snug blue yoga pants from the crack of my ass. The mall was just over there. I reside in what you call a little town with numerous secrets that have not gone unnoticed. Regardless of its small, the town was marked on the map, which was sufficient. It received a few mentions in the newspaper. Over the last two weeks, I haven't purchased a newspaper. First, I was broke, and second, I was weary of turning the page and seeing Beth's face. I know Beth better than I do about my own life. I even know what panties she wore.

She's done 10 interviews for major television networks, podcasts, and radio stations. She has a thriving YouTube channel, which I reported over fifty times in the hopes that YouTube would remove it, but they instead banned my zero channel account.

What was I doing wrong?

The mall was regular in size and included stores that we discovered we couldn't live without if it disappeared one day.

I walked past the whole parking lot. I didn't drive. I didn't have a car to drive, and every time I saved money for one, something came up.

"Oh, my God!" I heard Jerry scream from behind me. I came to a complete stop.

Jerry Downey, a wonderful gay boy who always made it clear that Beth was better than me. I could smell the awful lady's perfume he was wearing. According to him, it cost more than my life.

I should have stayed at home and wrote. But I couldn't say no to Rochelle; technically, I did, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. I looked like a smile killer when a broad smile appeared on my lips. I leaped, and he had already flown into my arms. His slimy hand from the lotion scrapes across my skin. I almost coughed as more of his cologne entered my stomach rather than my nose.

"I haven't seen you in about three weeks?" He pinched my cheeks.

I heard the door of his BMW slam shut. Great, hubby. The strong, ken-looking spouse. Blonde hair, blue eyes, an infectious grin, and terrible dad jokes (or whatever they were called).

"Hey! I haven't seen you for five weeks." He overstated. Everyone in town exaggerates. "It appears you've put on 25 pounds." He bursts out a big laugh, gripping his stomach and nearly stooping over, his wide hand resting on my shoulder. I wish I could kick him in the nutsack. However, they would prevail over me in court, just as they did in the other lawsuit involving wealthy corporations. That is how the Downey couples obtain their money to live uptown.

"Where have you gone? We haven't seen you at the book club.

"I've just been busy. Working on a new novel."

"Really? Another intersexual character, huh?" He rolled his eyes as he let out another laugh.

"Yes, another one."

"I think you should come tonight." Jerry said, and Nathan nodded, like a golden retriever dog. They were the Golden Family. Blonde on blonde.

"I believe I will—"

"You can't miss tonight; we'll be reading your book."

"You will?" My tone contains a hint of astonishment.

"Mhmm." Jerry nodded. "In addition to Beth, two small-town publishers will be present. She'll see if they can publish her next novel. I heard it will be a storm in the book market." Jerry replied, as he winked at his husband. They were so fucking preppy; I wonder who was the top and bottom, and whether they swapped?

"In that case, I wouldn't miss it for anything." I said, hoping to miss it for all the world. I'm aware that those publishers wouldn't even look at my work twice, and Beth was the real deal.

"Well, I hope to see you there. 7pm. You know the time." He winked, and they both walked away into the mall. I awkwardly trailed behind them.


Rochelle and I sat in the food court and shared a $2 giant pretzel. I slurped down the blueberry Slurpee.

Rochelle and I are always 50/50 on stuff. I know I claimed our friendship was coming to an end, but what I really meant was that she was distracting. The unhealthy sort. The drug effects kind.

"I'm simply not sure what you see in that stupid book club."

Keith's Book Club was my fucking life, even though I'd been avoiding it for days, but those three days I wanted nothing more than to sit in the circle and listen to what everyone had to say about a book, as well as to see if a publishing firm would take me on.

"It's my future. My chance to get my name, face, and book out there. My chance to relax on Miami Beach as jump from club to club. The book club is everything."

"You just assume it is. You do not need them."

"I do." I exhaled. I take a hefty chunk of the salty pretzels.

"Beth practically dominated that book club. No other writer has no chance of finding a publisher.

I have already worked it out. All I had to do was create the ideal book, and it would be signed; there was only one hitch. How can I write the ideal book? How to create that sexy novel that will make the publishing company panties drop to the ground.

"I just wish you realized you could do it on your own."

"Have you looked at tiktok and YouTube? My novels are among the worst 10 in America." It had two million views, which means two million eyes are aware that my book is terrible.

"Urh." She groaned. "That burns."

"I know. My ass is burned."

"Where do you most lack in your book?"

"Sex Senses." I stated it straight away. I did not even have to think about it. Sex scenes were difficult for me because I rarely have sex. I don't know how to write how a situation should unfold.

"How do they sound?"

"Boring, like my life."

"I've got an idea. You may not like it, but I believe that is what you need."

"That is?"

"You engage in sex with strange men and write about it."

"And contracted diseases."

"At the very least, your book could sell."

"Might." I exhaled. "I will figure something out. For the time being, I must concentrate solely on the book club."

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