Final Chapters

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Chapter 28

Daisy POV

I wake up to find Colton not around as usual. But this was the day. Today is the day to put the finishing touches on my work and maybe not be afraid to press the button. There was grief in my heart when the novel came to a conclusion. I have no recall of authoring this book. I wanted to know the philosophy behind it all.

"Perhaps I shouldn't post it just yet. We can go outside." I told Jody. I asked her over for a girls day out. I checked my Amazon KDP account. I've already determined the cover, description, and pricing.

I have all of the slides for social media marketing in my PowerPoint presentation. But something tells me I may not want social media. Everyone is looking forward to the publishing, especially since I stated that it will be released today. When I mean everyone was on edge I meant everyone. Even the influencers who left negative evaluations. There are videos titled something like this.

"Author Daisy Martin will be putting more rubbish in the can."

The world was harsh, or perhaps it was the people that inhabit it.

"I wish Colton were here."

"Just publish it. Colton is merely your character; how will she help?"

"Without Colton, this book would only be a dusty draft." Colton came to life in my head and made this happen. She made me feel this book throughout, but if it weren't for the world and its terrible treatment of my book, I would have shared her narrative in a heartbeat.

"A deal." I whispered to Jody as I clutched her arms. The mouse arrow was positioned right over the published button. She attempted to publish it, but I informed her that I should be the one to push the button.

"We head outside. I get silly drunk, then come here tonight and publish the book."

"You take it or leave it." She was also nervous to blog about it. It was considered a book of the century. Everyone want a piece of it.

"Ok. I already have a blog post planned; all I need now is for the book to go live."

"You, what?!"

"Come on, you know I am delighted about the book."

"I will publish it." I also did not want to publicize it, and Colton was not present. I also want her to convince me to publish it.


When I saw Colton on the chair, I smiled. She stared at the screen. She seems unhappy that I hadn't released the book.

The book did not even have a title. I wasn't sure what the title should be. I had no idea what the title of my life was, either.

"Why haven't you published it?"

"I don't have a title, but I wanted to do it with you."


I nodded. I went up to her and sat on her lap. Only the gods were holding up the chair, for I could sense its feet struggling to keep upright.

"What title should I give my book?"

"It is up to you, right?" She asked.

"I suppose so."

My head wavers for a title; thus far, I've come up with two. It was either "The merciless boss" or "The player for a boss".

Colton character played, cold and distant in the book, than how it was played out in my head.

I explained the two titles to her. I really needed her to put on it. "I want you to know that I am really thankful for your assistance in completing this book."

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