Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Daisy POV

When I noticed the phone number of Livre Publishing business phoned me, I couldn't help but be excited that a publishing company was finally contacting me after so many months. But, to my surprise, they were phoning to turn me down. This has made me more depressed than I was before.

I placed the icy spoon in my mouth and sucked on it. The ice cream had long since melted away in my tongue. Betty was right at my feet, her eyes imploring for a scoop of the ice cream, but her meows were disregarded.

"I just want to be signed with a publishing firm."

Rochelle massaged my back. "Being a self-published author is not that horrible."

"I want my bills to be paid. I want to do exciting things. Do you believe that earning a few hundred dollars every day will suffice?"

"Hey, at least you make a few bucks every day; I'm sure you've seen hundreds of books that are barely making it on Amazon." She quipped.

"They only bought my book to give it a negative review. And all they speak about is how much better Beth's novels are.

"I read your novels, and they sound quite intriguing."

"They don't." I said. "I assume I was turned down because it may be Karma." I confessed.

"Which would be?"

"It may be because I tricked Malik into buying me drinks last night and then ditched him, or because I can't stop writing negative reviews about Bethany's novels on a phony account."

"Are you serious? Isn't that illegal?"

I fanned her off. "It wasn't like I killed somebody." I muttered as I swiped the spoon across the vanilla ice cream. "It simply makes me feel better when I speak garbage about her book, and I felt so good dumping him last night; he deserves it."

"Malik deserves to be ditched; what I will not tolerate is you saying negative things about another author; you wouldn't like—"

"Her fan base frequently write about me. I'm merely retaliating."

"Take it easy." She consoles. At times like this, Rochelle was a genuine friend. "Let's go shopping tomorrow and let off some steam."

"I can't. I need to write this book." I told her, handing her the book Colton claimed to be coming from. She started to read beneath her breath. My eyes widen as I realize she's reading the sex scenes and my name is in them.

I tried reaching for the book. She swiftly sprang up and burst out laughing. "You freak." She snorted as she read the sex scene aloud. My cheeks flushed crimson.

"I notice you've included yourself in your book. This sounds very excellent. I really want to read more." She remarked this as she handed me back the book. It was the first time I received a real praise on my book from her. I know, she knew my novels were terrible; she simply didn't want me to feel bad, and I was fine with it. I simply wish she didn't feed my phantom ego.

"It seemed as if you were actually doing it. It was detailed. How Colton's hands touched you. How she relishes you and grinds into you with her pierced cock." She grinned.

"It sounds better than Bethany's novels combined."

"Wait, have you read Bethany's books?" I questioned, looking up at her.

She grinned hesitantly before slowly nodding. I saw her gently slide toward the front door.

"Well..." I prodded, curious to discover what she truly thought of her works.

"So, what?" She questioned as she removed her little denim jacket from the coat peg.

"Tell me, how does that sound to you?"

"Do you want honesty?"

"Yes. Yes. Of course." I nodded quickly as I stood up, the tub of ice cream stuck to my chest. I could feel the chilly cramps there.

"She offered the readers an excellent storyline. It was cheesy, but we craved more. The book was good."

"Oh..." I murmured, feeling my envy rising again.

"But what you have here, with a boss and an assistant, will leave the readers wanting more. Continue writing when you are in whatever space you are in." She made a suggestion as she opened the door. Whatever space was I in?

"What do you mean?" I inquired about going after her.

"It appears you were not tense. You didn't hold back, which is exactly what reader's desire. They want you to let go."

I smiled, considering her advice from a good standpoint. "Thanks." I whispered. I checked the time on my phone; it was evening. Maybe if I went for a short stroll and returned to wherever spot Colton was, she'd come crawling out again, and we could have at it. 

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