Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Daisy POV

I waited a while to see if Colton would pull out the book, but she didn't, and I was running late for book club, an hour late to be exact. I didn't want to arrive early since they had thrown my book aside and begun reading Bethany's book. My major goal was to see Keith and maybe threaten him not to kick me out of the book club. I'll do everything to remain in that book club.

I chose to gaze at the book for a few more minutes. I simply wanted Colton to confirm to me that she did actually crawl from the book and was not put by Bethany, to make it appear that I was going insane.

I decided to keep myself occupied by feeding Betty. She was present, but something tells me she would be hungry anyway.

I take up the draft and read briefly over the four chapters I've written so far. I don't recall ever picking up a pen and writing in this book. Despite the fact that there were just four chapters, the plot seemed engaging, and I found myself wanting to read it again and again.

"You aren't the real Colton." I mumbled to myself as I placed the book on the sofa. There was no such thing as characters coming to life in a book.


It seemed like Mr. Keith was going to stand there and talk to Beth for forever, or he was just blatantly ignoring me to go forward with the conversation he knew needed to happen. I knew Jerry or Nathan had alerted him about the impending confrontation. All of them were simply a bunch of rats wearing out their tails together, and if this Book Club hadn't been my life, I would have resigned as soon as Beth joined.

I watched as he cautiously left the conversation with Beth and ultimately led me to his office. When I slammed the door shut, he flinched before turning and glaring.

I didn't know much about Keith.

All I know is that he runs the finest book club, where authors may gain valuable insights and possibilities. Many writers have talked about this particular book club, and I'm just not sure why I wasn't one of the authors that got the big break.

"How can I assist you, Daisy?" He sat down in his office chair and looked up at me over his spectacles.

"I would want to know whether you are thinking about booting me out of the club."

My pulse raced since it seemed like he was taking an eternity to respond to my inquiry (which I had posed).

He cracked his fingers and then grabbed for a book, which he set in front of him. He then quietly nods.

"Well are you?" I asked again, just in case there was an error with the head nod.

He exhaled. "Yes. You already have two strikes." He said. It's a fucking club, not the school grounds. What does he mean? I was on two strikes. I grit my teeth and glare at him.

"What does—?"

"Daisy—" he said, cutting me off. "I've known you for years. You were employed by me, but you left due to certain problems. A friend of a friend ensured that you joined the book club." He burst, telling the same narrative a hundred times. I understand. I. Fucking. Know. And where has this book club taken me so far? Nowhere other than to play Scrabble with someone who only joined six months ago.

"Do you mean you didn't want me in the book club?" I posed a question I already knew the answer to. None of them ever truly wanted me here. They always comment on my books or my appearance. I realize I wasn't the best shooter, I was unattractive, and my books were probably trash, but they have no right to treat me like a dog, worse than a dog.

"Exactly. But you're here; make it worthwhile." He gave a frank reply.

What he said stung more than the wasp that bitten me a few years back while I was out walking. His words burn hotter than fire.

"Okay, thank you." I muttered.

"Also, please leave Bethany alone; she is our prize property for our book club, and with her around, many more people will come here to buy books."

Let me break down what he stated for those who do not comprehend. He meant that she was bringing in people to put money in his pocket, and I wasn't, therefore whatever she threw at me, I should stuff down my throat and swallow it.


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