Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Daisy POV

After twenty minutes, the waiter returned with four glasses of wine and a side of fries and breadsticks. Without any delay, I started eating. I could feel my binging coming back. It'll never be okay for me. I will never be effective at writing.

"Easy." Jody responded with a smirk.

I flushed as I took a softer bite of the cheesy bread stick. It was uncommon that I ate out. I really can't afford it, and when a girl who appears to have her life together offered me drinks, I couldn't say no.

"It is tension."

"After getting booted out of the club?"

"And everything backfired in my face, with the Bethany scenario." I added to what she had previously expressed.

"It'll be okay. You'll simply have to believe that when you publish your book, it'll sell well."

"Well, I've had quite a sale today. Due of hate."

"Purr." She interjected.

"Not purring." I murmured.

"Come on; the bills are being paid."

Though Jody's identity eludes me, she was just a girl who fell in love with my novel after reading it. However, this does not give me the right to throw all of my worry on her. This was what I did all the way from the book club to town.

I knew this was going to be our final small get together. I am just so fucking sucks and I hate it.

"Come on, let us talk about better things."

"Oh, God, I'm such an idiot. I really apologize for throwing everything on you."

"It's okay. We all reach that stage in life." She said, dipping her hand into her handbag. She took out the sample booklet. It was just papers clipped together. She squirmed in her chair. "I want more." She said.


"So far, I've chosen my favorite portions. I can't stop reading them over and over."


"Yes. I have a blog with over one hundred thousand subscribers, and I was wondering whether I may share this with them. Just a taste."

I looked at her, bewildered. "You'd go that far for me?"

"Of course. With your permission, of course."

"You don't need to ask. That's a huge leap." I can just picture all of the people on her page viewing my book.

"So I was thinking you could provide me the nine chapters along with the copyright, and I'd just post one chapter a day and advise people to check out your other works."

I wasn't sure about them looking over my work and maybe providing additional negative feedback. Jody senses my discomfort.

"Don't worry, I write about Bethany's cringe-worthy novels, and not all of my readers are fans of her, so you'll have a few who will truly enjoy your books. I'll also make sure they give positive evaluations."

"No...I want them to leave reviews that reflect how people truly feel about the book."

"Okay, then that's what I'll do."

"This is a huge help." I expressed gratitude. "I'm not sure how to thank you." All of a sudden, she's like an angel that arrived into my life overnight.

Maybe everything was going to be okay. That was until I peeked at the restaurant's entrance and saw Malik and his alleged girlfriend.

"Of all the locations he might have gone with his bitch, he selected here." I mumbled, ducking behind my hands.

"Oh, is it the server boy?" She inquired as she looked up.


"He is coming over here." She whispered as she sipped her drink. I ducked even further, that I almost ends up underneath the table. Since the night, I've exploited him for drinks and almost kissed him....heheheh! I neglected to include that bit. Our lips barely brush.

"Hey, Jody. Hey, Daizy," he said, patting my shoulder and behaving as if we weren't joking about, despite the fact that he had a girlfriend all along.

My research revealed that he had been seeing this female for some months, but he was unsure of his desires or what he wanted. So he does now. I was tempted to wreck his relationship, but it doesn't guarantee he'll end up with me, and I have a lot on my plate... literally. I was so busy talking to Jody and becoming thrilled that I neglected to eat my fries and breadsticks.

I looked up with a downcast expression. "Hi, Malik." My eyes couldn't help but gaze at his girlfriend. God, she's hot. She's thin and attractive. That is the only way I can describe her. Skinny and sexy. In this society, slender equals hot.

And gaining weight implies being unattractive, as there is no ass or breast for men to look at. I fell under that group.

"What brought you here? It isn't your style." I insulted with a smile on my face. He grinned.

"I'm bringing out my gorgeous queen on a short date." Her little arms curled around his waist, pushing him towards her. I scowled and rolled my eyes. Keep him. Colt is hotter. Did I just say that Colton is hotter? She is a fictitious character. I seemed to be losing my mind.

"Mhmm mmm." I murmured.

"You can join us."

"What!" I yelled, staring at Jody. "Why!" I practically whined. I realized how harsh I came across. "I mean, they're on a date and want solitude."

"That's okay." I'm not sure what the girl's name is. I honestly do not want to know her name. Why would I want to know a gorgeous girl's name?

The girl sat next to me on the vacant chair, and Malik sat next to Jody. I suppose he was avoiding me at all costs. I assume he was upset since he didn't get to hop in my pants the other night. He should go cry over it. Once again, Colt is hotter.

"So, what brought you all here?"

"Jody and I are dating and discussing private matters, but it's not like you and your little queen haven't spoiled everything." I glared. He chuckled uncomfortably.

"We'd love to have you." Jody scowled at me. It was a blatant Saga.

"What is the objective of your date?" I asked the girl next to me.

"He always takes me out for dates."

"Really? Wow? After or before he works?"


"Really? Wow! Malik and I go way back. He works in the book club. And we used to connect, if you get what I mean.

She gave Malik a side glance before flashing me a fake-warm grin. "Really?" She scratched her arms. She was itching with jealousy. (Witch laughs) I love it.

"Yes, we were very, very close. We smoke, and so forth."

"Smoke? I thought you said you quit two years ago?"

I laughed: "He didn't; we were smoking two weeks ago."

"Malik, you lied." She growled.

My eyes widen...oops.

"I'm tired, and I have someone to meet with; why don't—"

"Yeah," Jody responded, slipping into her purse and paying for our meal.

"Bye," I replied, standing up from beside a frowning girl.

"You are so wrong for that." Jody grinned. "You are evil, and I love it." 

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