Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Daisy POV

Rochelle's mouth sprang open as I rode through the book's anal section with a hurting ass.

"That is hot. You make me want to take a 9-inch up my ass."

"Don't; it's not worth it."

"As if you knew." She said. I grimace as I analyze what she has just stated.

"What do you mean by that?" I picked up the pencil and started going over the grammatical faults and misspelling. My handwriting was more like a child's, as if I was only trying to get it out.

"Come on, when was the last time you went on a date or hooked up with a guy?"

"I hooked up with Colton."

"Yeah, she's simply a fictitious character. I'm talking about going out there and meeting a guy, or in your case, a lady with a dick.

Colton fucking me was plenty for now. "I'm focused on my book. I don't need to date right now."

"You can have fun."

I knew she wouldn't believe me if I told her I was enjoying writing this book, so I simply went with it. I nodded. "I'll have fun after the book is completed."

"Why not now?" She challenged.

"You're such a distraction." I murmured. My eyes searched for other mistakes but failed to identify any.

"I have fun..." I murmured. I swung my chair around my desk and clicked on Microsoft Word, which had already been saved. The story opened, and I clicked the book mark, which returned me to where I was.

"It's not fun to watch sales and stress about a Bethany. I saw and heard you on The Midday Show.

"She attempted to wreck my life. And for your knowledge, I was out drinking wine last night, and I would have stayed longer if Malik and his little girlfriend hadn't spoiled it and therefore ruined them." I chuckled as I typed freely on my keyboard. I felt quite thrilled.

"You were out with who?"

I smirked. "A woman."

"A woman, so you aren't going to tell me the rest of the details."

"What other details? I was out. Malik ruined it and I ruined him back."

"No, this woman. Who is she?"

"What, lady. Malik girlfriend."

She growled. "No, the one you were out with."

"Oh, she's an angel."

"What is her name?"

"Are you envious because I met a friend?"

She scoffed. "No...I just want to know who my closest friend of so many years is going out with at night."

"Oh please, it's only one night."

"Did you hook up with her?"

"No." I smirked. She wasn't sure if she should trust me or not. "We only drank wine."

"So why are you smirking."


"So you're withholding things from me."

"No...I met her in the club, where I was booted out."

"You were kicked."

"Yep. The old fart booted me out of the club because I embarrassed Bethany, his most valued property."

"I believe it is for the best."


"You have a strong focus. Bethany was always distracting you. You appear happier."

I was thrilled because I wrecked someone's relationship and became a little more exposed. Once Jody publishes the small sample, people will view it, and I will instantly push purchases to my Amazon.

"That club was darkness and you know it?"

"It wasn't. There was a possibility I'd be spotted by a publishing firm."

"You wouldn't because Bethany steals everything. However, you'll realize one day that you don't need a publishing house. You only need yourself. You need yourself and must trust in yourself." 

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