Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Daisy POV

Rochelle's remarks have stuck with me more than I could have expected. I spent all day writing and revising. I emailed a sample of the novel to Jody, and within two hours, I had only good sales, as well as some really positive five and four star reviews. Maybe all I needed was myself, to do it all on my own and say fuck it to the publishing business. Although I didn't have to sporadically rely on them to accept my book, it was still in the back of my mind that I would like to sign with one.

As soon as the phone rang, I took a break and answered it.

"Omg!" A girl yelled into my ear.

"What?!" I peered at the phone; evidently, they had the wrong number. I put the phone back to my ear.

"I believe you have—"

"Your books are amazing. I was hooked on the sample you provided me."

I was perplexed at first, but then realized it must be one of the females I had given my book to. "I gave you my sample books, correct?"

I might be wrong as well.

"Yes. I apologize for not properly introducing myself. My name is Daniela, but please call me Dan."

"Well, Dan, thanks for loving it."

"It's more than simply like it; it's loving it. I'm not going to lie, I was suspicious of reading it after seeing all of the horror videos about your book, but I chose to go my own way and I'm glad I did."

My smile was so big that I believe my face was damaged. "Thank you very lot."

"I enjoy your other novels and have around fifty copies; I have a small book club and will be reading one of your books there."

My eyes enlarge with excitement. Did she say Book Club? "You have a Book Club?"

"I do. It isn't as huge as Keith. He asked me several times for inspiration to run my own club, but all I saw were elites and so on. It's not for me."

"That is extremely good that you have one. I'm not sure whether you were present when I was formally ejected out of his club.

"I was. But I'm here to invite you. I know my club isn't as fancy as his, but everyone in our town is kind and supportive."

This made me grin. I didn't need elites. I need folks who will be supportive.

"What days do you have your club?"

"Friday and Sunday. Please wear pants or come as you are." She giggled.

"Really?" I inquired, unable to believe what I had heard.

"Of course."

She gave me the address before we parted ways on the phone. This day appears to be getting better.


Dan met me on the boundary between her and my town. Dan was pleasant, just like Jody was. It gives me a tiny fright because I'm not used to it.

Everyone in my hometown despised my book and threw it in my face. On my journey, I was gradually meeting some great folks.

"I own a tiny bookstore." The woman with black hair said. I didn't recall her being this old, but then again, I was simply handing around my work to random girls, and my sole regret so far has been Bethany.

"That's really cute."

"I've been operating it for twelve years. My husband and I ran it, but because he had fallen unwell, I took over along with my daughter."

"That's really great."

I wasn't sure what else to say. I was nervous. I know Rochelle stated to believe in myself, but I don't feel my novels are of high quality.

"How many people will be at this club?"

"About 45. Not much like Keith's."

This made me feel even more apprehensive. They were all strangers. I was likewise in a weird environment. "So basically, we're assisting each other." She enthusiastically exclaimed.

"We are?"

"Yep. I'll help you get your book out there, and when I buy them from Amazon, my tiny book nest will be full with customers."

"I definitely doubt it."

"Why? This new book will be a huge success. You appeared to write it with all your heart. Like you're experiencing Colton's pierced dick."

I gave a nervous chuckle. "I suppose so." I couldn't describe how I slept with my character. It's just inappropriate and strange.

"Once you finish that book, no matter what or who, just hit publish and everything will fall into place."

"Again, I doubt it."


"In one word. Bethany."

She scoffed. "I sold around 400 copies of her book, and we discussed it in book club. Her book isn't very good."

"Really?" I got piped. We have something in common.

"Yeah, the premise was fantastic; it was absolutely extraordinary. You abandoned your lover because he is poor, then three months later you moved to Mexico, and your ex-boyfriend is quite wealthy. Hmmm. Doesn't add up."

"I suppose since the narrative and writing was so superb, we were ignorant to the fact that we were reading garbage."

"Or she sold her soul. Everything looked to be going her way, and all she's been doing is generating more and more sales. Her novels are wacky."

"Not many people believe that." I said. She parked her car in front of what appeared to be a bookstore.

"This is a modest bookstore?" I whispered in amazement. It really looks better than Keith. She has a lovely front display with the most selling book, which was undoubtedly Bethany's.

"I will remove Bethany's book and show yours. Just hit publish."

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