Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Daisy POV

"It was the first time I had loved being among others. "The atmosphere was great." I stated this to Colton.

"I'm glad you did." She grinned. "I'm also delighted that you're writing and enjoying it."

"But I always like writing."

"Well, not technically; you were a little preoccupied, and since you've met individuals who genuinely like your work, you've matured."

"Have I?"

"You did. You're nearly done, and I'm very proud of you."

"If it weren't for the sex, I may still be busy." I flirted as my fingers caressed her face.


"Are you not going to tell me if you are real or not?"

"I am here, and you are touching me. What does it imply?"

"That you're real?" I asked. "I mean, I want to know more about you. "Where are you from?"

"A book. I was your work, but you merely drafted me; you never finished my story. And now my narrative is complete."

"Not quite."

"How come?"

"You and I live happily ever after, right? We got married. We gradually fell in love. You could be pregnant. What else possibly be missing?"

"Something that brought everything to a close." I said, carefully sitting up to face her.

"What should Chapter 30 be?"

"You will have to work it out. But I believe the ending is great. "The readers enjoy happy endings."

"They do, I know. I just don't enjoy giving it to them. But just one time, I will. "Colton and Daisy run off into the sunset, right?" I grinned.

"Your book will succeed. You don't need a different ending than the one you have now."

I have my doubts. There is a lot of it lingering about me. I can't get it off my mind.

"And this time, we won't fuck. "Ultimately, we make love. She muttered as she grabbed me from the couch and rushed me inside the room.

This was extremely surprising. We have sex everywhere in the home except in the bedroom.

"We make love; is this the conclusion of the chapter?"

"No." Her eyes deepen as she takes off my clothing and then her suit. "I want you to believe that your writings are great."

"I want to think you're genuine."

"I am real because of you. Just as you make me real, you may make your success not just a fantasy, but a reality."

She gently kissed my lips. I was too bewildered to respond to her. With a simple snap of my fingers, all of my doubts evaporated. Colton has a magical quality about her. And, just as I feel she is here, touching me and moving closer to my moist region, I must believe that when I press the publish button, my novel will be successful. 

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