Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Daisy POV

My first thought was of the sexy invader on my couch. I wonder whether she sleeps well. She'd better not. Even though I want to see how she looks stretched out on my couch, I move to my desk, which still has the filthy spill that has to be cleaned. I ignored the evident clutter and started my laptop. "Let us see." I dragged as I clicked on my Amazon sales page. I reviewed the statistics and saw that I had made a few more sales, which was enough to cover my food expenses and pay off a fourth of my mortgage.

I was preoccupied with checking on my sales and reading the feedback. I have more than one star than I have on five stars, which is unusual for most writers; I suppose I should consider myself remarkable, but in a negative sense.

After breaking myself from my concentration with the negative reviews and comments on my book, I made it into the living room, only to be disappointed. I did not see the 6'0 figure sprawled out, but rather the blanket neatly folded and put on the flat cushion.


"Colton!" I called. Perhaps she was in the bathroom. I turned and walked down the tiny corridor that goes to the restroom. "Colton!" I called and gently tapped on the bathroom door.

I couldn't hear a shuffle in there, and it appeared she had departed. I opened the door and saw that it was truly empty.

I returned to the living room, where I discovered my notebook, which I had never seen before, sprawled out on top of the blanket.

"Colton!" I felt a shudder go down my spine. Beth should count herself fortunate, because the police may not believe me if I told them she paid an actress to act like one of my characters. When I took up the book, I noticed there was an entire story written inside. I skipped the pages and discovered that it was a full chapter.

What the real fuck! I don't recall writing this last night.

As I read, I noticed there was a delicate interaction between Colt and myself. The one distinction was that I was no longer in the coziness of my room but rather a workplace.

"It's not funny anymore."

Things became weirder, and I realized it was my handwriting. I wrote it. I need to talk to someone.

I reached for my phone. I dialed Rochelle. She responded.

"Get your ass over here, immediately." I replied and hung up the phone before she could ask any further questions.


"Before I tell you, you have to promise not to laugh in my face and call me insane." I remarked to Rochelle as I handed her some taco chips and sauce on the side of the dish.

"Sure?" She lifted an inquisitive eyebrow.

While running through the kitchen to get my plate of snack, I gave her the signal to wait.

I sat down on the sofa, almost knocking over my plate of food. I really should shed some weight.

"Beth is fucking with me. I simply know that little divorce trash/tramp is messing with me because I hit her where it hurts." I mumbled. I dipped my salty chips into the spicy crimson sauce.

"With?" Rochelle inquired.

I proceeded to explain to her. "We had an argument at book club last night."

"For your information, you people usually argue."

"We do?" I questioned; I had never observed that we argued all the time. However, yesterday night was different.

"Also, let me just mention that Malik has a new girlfriend; moving on. So I—"

"Nope, back it up. Way, Way, Way. Upppp." Rochelle remarked, giving a pause sign. Sighing, I realized that although I really wanted to share my bizarre story, I shouldn't have revealed what had transpired between Malik and me just yet.

"The hot attractive server has a new girlfriend. I rooted for you. When did this happen?"

"It appears they were dating for a long period when they were with me." I feel like such an idiot. I was cheering for myself to date him. "Red Flag." She said while twitching her fingers. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care." I mouth-popped the crunchy chip.

"You do? You constantly want him to fuck you and ask you out on a date, but primarily to fuck you."

"He wouldn't go out with me, even if I was the last girl on the planet." I moped.

"Why not?"

"I am one of the most boring females in a relationship. I'm always blanking out. The sex is as dull as my book."

"Mhmm. Take it easy on yourself. Stop stressing over Beth's life. She's not faultless; her spouse abandoned her for a beauty."

"I'm not fascinated with her." I dismissed as I stuffed an entire handful of chips into my lips. I sense a binge eating coming on. Oh God, I'm filthy. "Can we stop talking about Malik? Please let me complete my bizarre story."


"So, Beth..."

I was cut short as she sighed. "Mhmm, Beth." She rolled her eyes.

"Yes, she will not stop fucking herself with me. She genuinely paid someone, who looks like Colton, to break into my house."


"I know right—"

"Who's Colton?" She asked. I grumbled. "She's an intersex character with several piercings on her cock."

"Eh? That must have hurt."

"Rochelle, focus. That is not the point. The point is she paid someone who resembles my character to encroach on my private."

"Have you called the police?"

I shake my head. I gulped my meal. "Fuck, I'm famished." I grunted. "Also, look at this?" I remarked, taking up my note book with crimson sauce splattered on the cover.

"What is this?"

"There is a whole chapter in there that I did not write."

"So, I'm betting Beth also let this Colton chick to write an entire chapter." She said as she flipped through the book. I could detect skepticism in her tone.

Thank goodness I didn't go to the cops with this stuff, because if Rochelle, my best friend for half a fucking decade, didn't trust me, how could some officers.

"I'm telling you, that bitch will get it tonight at the club."

"Are you sure you didn't write it and don't remember?"

I mean, I was drunk last night, but I make a point of leaving out that information since I know I saw Colton and I know I didn't write that chapter.

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