Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Daisy POV

I awoke feeling refreshed and renewed after rearranging my stomach entirely in the kitchen. My muscles snapped as I stretched on the couch. I heard Betty squealing and dashed to my bedroom for her. As soon as I opened the door, she hurried by me, and I followed.

She was exactly where I expected her to go. Food. She turned and glared at me.

"I couldn't let you see this. I know I was loud. But this is my house and sometimes, mommy have a little bit of fun." I walked up to her and attempted to pick her up, but she dodged me.

She sat down. "I'm simply doing it for my narrative. It's not like she's real." I said. "And I'm not entitled to tell you anything." I scoffed.

I felt like I could run on a treadmill, and while I told Jerry and Nathan no, perhaps their little gym offer still remains. I'll have to see.


As I pulled open the gym's glass door, the aroma of body perspiration assaulted my nostrils. It was not a huge gymnasium. But one can hold up to fifty people. So far, it appears that more than forty persons were present. Everyone was hard at work. I didn't feel as insecure when I saw folks who were little heavier than me.

I began walking through the gymnasium.

There must be an office or front desk. Usually, it should be in the front. I recognized the gym was a little crowded, but everyone appeared to be getting along just fine. I would buy all of my gym equipment and work out in front of the television, but when I looked into the pricing of these items, my several hundred dollars each day seemed little.

"Hey, is there an office nearby." I asked a man. He was a muscular buff; I'm not sure if it was from perspiration or baby oil, but his skin was tan and greasy. Before responding, he scowled at me. I know guys that like him. They're called gym rats.

They preferred ladies that were either slender or gym rats like them. I'm feeling insecure again.

"Are you too obese to notice it?" He sneered.

"Excuse me."

"Perhaps the fat is clogging around your eyes." He said this as he pointed to the evident office directly in front of us, with the enormous inscription "OFFICE."

"Oh. You don't need to be a jerk about it." I snapped.

I went into the office. There Nathan was, making small talk with a female through the open door. He leaped as soon as he spotted me.

"Daisy!" He stated this as he stood up and ushered the girl out of his office before slamming the door shut.

"Sup." His deep voice said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Where is Jerry?"


"Your best option is to flirt with the gym girls. That's really wonderful." I sarcastically replied.

"I wasn't flirting." He gave a nervous chuckle.


"Fine, I was. So what? That doesn't imply I cheated on Jerry."

I grinned, having previously detected his lies. "YOU DID. Didn't you?

"I—it was just two times."

My mouth hangs gaping. "With her." I indicated.

"Another girl."

"Mhmm." I smirked. "So your secret is safe with me if I receive a one-year free membership instead of six months." I fluttered my lashes.

"You're a fat fuck." He sneered. "No one is going to trust you, low line."

"But you don't want people speculating about you, right? So, it's best that I say nothing at all."

"You fucking fat bitch." He growled. "One year, and—"

I noticed some exercise equipment on the shelf and gave him a motion to stop talking. "How about you add two protein shakes and two boxes of chocolate protein bars?" I grinned fiercely.

"You are overstepping."

"Uh? You believe I should go around town telling everyone that you might not be gay, but are using Jerry."

He let out a snarl. "1 year. It's only two P powders and two boxes of bars. You beg for more, and I make sure my lawyer gets something on you."

"You got a bargain."

"And keep this between you and me. No one else's."

I nodded.

"I'm serious." He sneered.

"I'm serious too." I grinned.

Damn I was a cunning bitch.

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